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Re: Just a tip on something so easy

I also have that Kuhn Rikon jar opener.  I can get 99% of these jars before I hand them to DH.  I'm another one that cuts credit cards and sensitive mail into pieces, but I just put pieces in random trash bags for that week.  I'd forget before the next trash day.

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Re: Just a tip on something so easy

to the op: I agree with you 100%.

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Re: Just a tip on something so easy

@jackthebear wrote:

just tear the label off

 i make sure my name is gone and drug name 


plus shred it and/or anything else you can. As far as I'm concerned, those little tscotchkes are just more pieces of "stuff" to dust, keep track of, and so on.

I'm with Annabelle.

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Re: Just a tip on something so easy

[ Edited ]

I know this is going in a different direction, but those bottles really come in handy. Those of us who sew can use them to store small items.


I once used a medicine bottle to take urine to the vet. They were so impressed because my son printed a label with our dog's name and we taped it to the bottle.  Washed the bottle properly of course.


Since she's a girl (Sage) it was easy to get the sample. Once she stooped down we put a container under her and got it. I wonder how this would work for a boy. And no, we did not reuse the container.

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Re: Just a tip on something so easy

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

@Sage04  It's ok, we've all had that happen.  Some (me) more than others.


Our family calls them brain farts😳


@Annabellethecat66  I couldn't think of anything because  everything works perfectly for me hahahaahha.


But if anything comes to mind I will post.

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Re: Just a tip on something so easy

@x Hedge wrote:

@Pezzie wrote:

When I cut up an expired credit card, or drivers license, or similar items of importance, I do not throw all the cut up pieces in the same trash bin and all at once. 


I hold some back and throw away the rest the following week.  Sometimes I will put it in the office trash, if that has just been emptied, as it will be another couple of weeks before I empty it again, since the office is used so infrequently. 


    @Pezzie ,

In the past, I've distributed pieces in different bags as you describe.


But now I put such things into the bags with the "scoopings" from the cat's litter box. With bits of a credit card, I may squeeze the plastic bits into the clumps of cat waste.  💩

  (Squeezing from outside the bag, of course.)


@x Hedge  I've heard of people doing this and some people also use bleach.

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Re: Just a tip on something so easy

@RespectLife wrote:



That's what I thought too (I need one of thoe jar openers) til I went to Amazon and looked up Black & Decker Lids Off







There is one just called Electric Jar Opener  for $22....says 'Visit the Besmon Store'


Has pretty good reviews....if you notice on the jar being opened in the pic....the label is in Russian!



I remember QVC had one sorta like it....the host couldn't get the darn thing to work at all!  It was kinda funny.  It was a different design though.

@RespectLife  Thanks for sharing that information.  That's a yikes for me too!  I need to do some more research.

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Re: Just a tip on something so easy

Another thread that makes no sense to me.   

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Re: Just a tip on something so easy

@Junebug54 wrote:

Another thread that makes no sense to me.  



If something does not make sense to me I would just move on, but I like your style,


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Re: Just a tip on something so easy



Does the white one you pictured really work on mid size to large jars???


I need something for larger jars (pickles, spag sauce etc)





For small bottles,  I use my Grannies old fashioned nut cracker I inherited.



Vintage HMQ Silverplate Metal Nut Shellfish Cracker  Tool Skinny Nostalgia