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@Snicks1  and everyone, I solved the mystery of what happened to me Monday early morning.


When I can't sleep, and that is often, I think so was running Sunday through my mind, I was a very busy bee that day as I said.  Suddenly, I remembered that I lifted the heaviest watermelon from a corner on the kitchen floor and carried it to the frig lifting it onto the top shelf.  The only way I was able to make it to the frig was the vision in my mind of it falling to the ground and spreading watermelon from there to China, so forced myself to carry on.


This caused the spraining of  some muscles in my chest.  I googled this last night asking many questions.  I should have known better than to lift heavy items as I have injured myself before, but I was on a roll that day and not thinking, just moving around like Mrs. Clean.


This makes perfect sense to me rather than a mini heart attack, so relieved to have figured this out, will find out within a month when I have the echocardiogram.


I didn't sleep last night, so have been napping, hate those nights, but I did watch the Olympics as they are rerun late at night.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@viva923 wrote:

hey all

this heart issue i have i firmly believe was my pcp doctor took me off of baby aspirn after umpteen years of taking it-last about 1 year before I had that issue-my valves are clogged 20-30% but was told

due to my age this was normal and i am all the medications for any heart issues if i do have one so couldn't give me any more medication. my PCP doctor did put me back on my baby asprin asap been on it ever since


got walk in-my foot lady nurse stopped by and did the check all is ok with that


got kitchen cleaned for another month

not much else-later guys



@viva923   You should see a cardiologist, most definitely.  A PC is not qualified for heart issues, one almost killed me, so I fired her, and as soon as I saw my cardiologist, I was put on the medication I am on now and all has been fine.

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Mousie I did see a cardo doctor she ran the ultra sound dye and contrast series that is when they found the clogged arteries, i see her yearly,

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The August Bird's Nest is ready

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Posts: 38,819
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: July 2024 Bird's Nest

[ Edited ]

@viva923 wrote:

Mousie I did see a cardo doctor she ran the ultra sound dye and contrast series that is when they found the clogged arteries, i see her yearly,




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Posts: 38,819
Registered: ‎03-09-2010


I don't like that your PC adjusted your heart med, only my cardiologist deals with all my heart issues, PC only deals with my general health.


I think you should tell your cardiologist about being taken off the aspirin or anything to do with your heart, if you havn't already.


When my heart first began racing, I saw my PC.  Instead of sending me to the A-fib clinic where I now go, she fooled around with different meds for a month, while they weren't working and I was suffering, and could have died.  Finally I told her I needed to go to the clinic, and had to wait another month.  This and another incidence caused me to fire her, both of which could have killed me, i.e., ordering the wrong tests until two days later when I called to come in due to massive pain.


  Fortunately for me, fate stepped in and she wasn't in that day, but my current PC was so I saw her.  She ordered the proper tests, which I learned later that night when a night doctor called to say for me to get to the ER immediately as my sugar and pancreas values were off the chart


I wrote a letter to each of them before I went to the hospital the next morning, firing one, and asking my current to take me as her patient, and fortunately for me, again, she accepted me.


The fired PC sent a note that it takes time to diagnose something, obviously not, you just have to order the right tests, trying to cover her you know what.