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Registered: ‎04-04-2015

I'm confused.  If you don't start until 7:30, why do you have to get up at 4:45?  I thought this job was a 15 minute (or less) commute for you?


As to your previous job, if you have the job listing, apply for it.  No need to sue them - just apply.  As others have said - let bygones be bygones.  If they really need  someone - and you are the expert, they may well be glad to rehire you.


I know this whole thing is stressful, but try to be more positive.

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Posts: 18,504
Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Physical ailments and "disability" existed before the job was accepted. If the OP can't do the job, they can't do the job, for whatever reason - medical or emotional.  It sounds as if the OP has decided she can't do the job, doesn't want to do what is required for the job, and it's more difficult and/or more not up to her standards as an employer than she anticipated. Oops. Not the "fault" of the new employer.  Maybe they are waiting to see if the OP works out or quits before they make a badge.


I could, in fact, sympathize with the OP if she had simply come to vent that she was finding her new job was difficult, and BTW she has medical issues that don't help, she's bummed, etc. But the OP "blaming" the new employer for perfectly normal working conditions and nit-picking about her name badge, I can't get on board with. The drama is starting to appear, and the more hyperbolic drama, the less sympathy I have.

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,475
Registered: ‎03-14-2015

@Moonchilde wrote:

Physical ailments and "disability" existed before the job was accepted. If the OP can't do the job, they can't do the job, for whatever reason - medical or emotional.  It sounds as if the OP has decided she can't do the job, doesn't want to do what is required for the job, and it's more difficult and/or more not up to her standards as an employer than she anticipated. Oops. Not the "fault" of the new employer.  Maybe they are waiting to see if the OP works out or quits before they make a badge.


I could, in fact, sympathize with the OP if she had simply come to vent that she was finding her new job was difficult, and BTW she has medical issues that don't help, she's bummed, etc. But the OP "blaming" the new employer for perfectly normal working conditions and nit-picking about her name badge, I can't get on board with. The drama is starting to appear, and the more hyperbolic drama, the less sympathy I have.







Agreed. Just because she isn't getting that "Awww, poor  baby" responses, is NO justification for her to "slit her wrists, and get it done and over with."


Life is hard. It's hard for erverybody in one form or another. Yet you don't hear them whining about it, and being a drama queen.


People have lost loved ones to suicide. Some even found the bodies. So, to be all melodramatic, and a drama queen, simply because the job doesn't cater to them, and to not get the "poor baby" responses, make the "slitting my wrists" coment totally, and compleatly uncalled for.



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Posts: 1,328
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@Moonchilde wrote:

Physical ailments and "disability" existed before the job was accepted. If the OP can't do the job, they can't do the job, for whatever reason - medical or emotional.  It sounds as if the OP has decided she can't do the job, doesn't want to do what is required for the job, and it's more difficult and/or more not up to her standards as an employer than she anticipated. Oops. Not the "fault" of the new employer.  Maybe they are waiting to see if the OP works out or quits before they make a badge.


I could, in fact, sympathize with the OP if she had simply come to vent that she was finding her new job was difficult, and BTW she has medical issues that don't help, she's bummed, etc. But the OP "blaming" the new employer for perfectly normal working conditions and nit-picking about her name badge, I can't get on board with. The drama is starting to appear, and the more hyperbolic drama, the less sympathy I have.

I don't think the OP needs your sympathy or your criticism of the way she's handling things.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 536
Registered: ‎06-14-2015

Closed for further commenting.