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Registered: ‎01-31-2015
I started the new job that I wrote about.   I'm not doing great.   The job is not what I thought.  The work is immense!   The gal training me is going so fast and she jumps from one thing to another before I can grasp the first few things.   She keeps telling me to "take notes," but she goes too fast and then I can't see what she's doing.  She wants me to learn the way she learned to do it.   We all have different learning styles.  
I'm a visual person and learn by repetition and doing it.   I keep forgetting what she told me (even when I take notes).   I don't have enough time to let it sink in and learn it my way. 
My eyes are so dry and burn from all the computer work there.   The job actually should be divided between too people.  It's way too much work for one person.  
The irony of the place is I get in at 7:30am.   I'm in a temporary office until I'm trained. They already have my name up on the temp office, but I still have no badge to get in at 7:30am, so I'm stuck waiting until someone shows up.   Today, I went to my car to get something and someone had to "buzz" me in because I have no access.
I've asked over and over and she says, "So and so is working on it."   I wish she would give me the ****** badge instead of the stupid name on the temporary door!
I get a lousy 1/2 hour for lunch and that's not enough time to eat and digest and relax.
I'm so stressed.  I come home and go to bed.   I get up at 4:45 am.
I'm so disappointed and worried about my future!   I just can't see this being what I'm meant to do for 8 hours a day.   I don't know if I'm cut out for this job.   The people are nice but there is not a lot of accountability.   I took a $12,000 pay cut and am working harder than in my previous job.
I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I never thought it all would be thrown at me in such a fast and erratic fashion.


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So sorry you are going through this!  Have you talked with your trainer and let her know how you learn best?  I have trained lots of people over the years and I try to gear training towards the individual. I definitely do not want to waste my time with something they will not learn. Good luck!

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Registered: ‎01-31-2015

I've told her over and over.   She prepared well, but expects me to grasp it immediately.


We're talking tons of work, tons of different steps for each duty.

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Registered: ‎12-13-2010

So sorry your new job is so there a reason you took such a big cut in pay? Are you in a new field? And tell your trainer SLOW DOWN!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I would continue to look for another job while you're still there.

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@K9buddy wrote:

I would continue to look for another job while you're still there.

I totally agree.  Hope that is an option for you.  Sending my best thoughts and wishes to you to survive your current situation in the meantime.  Hoping you are able to find a new different job soon.

“Do not think only of your own joy, but vow to save all beings from suffering.”
Dalai Lama
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Clearly this is not the job for you - just keep looking and keep telling yourself it is not forever.

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Posts: 287
Registered: ‎01-31-2015

Re: Job So Stressful

[ Edited ]

The reason I took a pay cut  is I was laid off of a job of 20 years as were many others.    I'm over 50 and it's not easy finding work in competition with all the younger more tech savvy people out there.  I have been looking for a while and they do pay 100% of insurance premium, but the workload is so stressful.   I know if they would train slower and go over each step with full attention, I might grasp it.  I thought of going to talk to one of the nice supervisors, not to complain but to ask her advice on how to learn all of it.  She's been so nice to me, but I'm afraid I'll put a wedge between me and the trainer if she finds out.


My old employer (who also laid off my supervisor) has now posted my old position twice in the past year.   They told us our positions were eliminated because of the co merger.  I was there for 20 years.   The first time it posted last July, a gal I knew who moved into that dept since I left e-mailed me and suggested I come in and interview for it (acting as if I had no idea it was my previous job) and wanted me to interview with the new Mgr who is now sitting in  my old office.   They did this apart from HR which goes against all rules.  I told the HR gal about it and she denied she knew anything at all.


I didn't do anything about it because I would have never gone back under that circumstance.   I heard through the grapevine that they hired someone internally to fill the position.  Mine was a very visible position and I had to do a lot with State regulations, etc.   


Someone sent me the new posting today so the person they filled it with before didn't work out.    


Do any of you think I should call HR back and ask why is this happening?   I don't want to go back now because of all they did to me and put me through, but it upsets me so much that they lied and now are in a bind because they can't fill my old job, a job by the way that I was commended for by the State during their many surveys.


I signed a parting agreement (enabling me some severence back then) so I can't sue them for lying to me.     



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Posts: 287
Registered: ‎01-31-2015

Re: Job So Stressful

[ Edited ]

Another thing, the lady who is training me thinks she does everything perfectly.  Yet, during the interview process, she sent me the wrong address to the facility.   Luckily, I knew the address from my research.


I can bet that's not the only error she has made.   


 She also told me when she started the job she would bring her notes home and study them.   I don't have time to even go grocery shopping by the time I get home and try to catch my breathe.  I will not take my job home.   Apparently, this job is her life.  It's not, nor is any job my life!



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Posts: 19,610
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

You say you can't sue.............but I hope you have called the Employment Commission in your state, and reported how your severance was handled.   If there was any "hint of illegality", they should investigate.

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