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@Kachina624 yes, I misspoke.  I did not mean to imply they were let go for cause.  I was just using the word fired as shorthand and figured everyone would know what I meant.  But you are right - should have been more precise about it.  


Yes, I can imagine she and the others were given a nice 'retirement' incentive.  At least I hope so.  I honestly found it shocking that she was gone tho.   

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I predict more to come for all TV shopping networks. I witnessed their start many years ago but sadly their best days are in the past.

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There will probably be another round of layoffs when they announce the next quarters finances.  Will probably be more let go in the next round.   

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It's not just tv shopping networks that are having layoffs this year.  I only mention that because many are posting as if the layoffs by tv shopping is pointing to the end of tv shopping, as we know it anyway.   But really this is just another industry that is tightening it's belt and realigning / restructuring things.   Sad all around for people to be losing their jobs.  

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I feel like there's a black hole that's swallowing a lot of things up now a days.  

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Registered: ‎01-25-2023

Is Bobbi Ray still on? I seldom get to watch HSN.

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Re: It's the end for.....

[ Edited ]

@chrystaltree wrote:

Lesley Machado at HSN.  She posted the same Facebook goodbye message  as the others.  





This is the 1st i'd learned about Lesley Machado also. Woman Sad

Thanks for this update.


I'm guessing Bobbi Ray is still there 'cause what would Adrienne do without Bobbi Ray?   When Adrienne leaves, we'll see if Bobbi Ray leaves.


I read somewhere that Bobbi Ray is worth $9 Million,   (gossip, im sure, for whatever that's ever worth)


(Pls note: My nick is in progress: - formerly  ~ MakeUp Maidn, briefly, 411 13 I 5 (-> All His), Seeking New Nickname, now testing:  JoyFilled Warrior