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Re: If you had to relocate to another country, where would you go?

Southern California. that is like another country to us NoCals!  LOL!  Icouldn't think of another country.  But maybe somewhere near the border, Like Calgary>  I love England, I love the people, I love being there, but it is dreary and damp much of the year, and I am a California girl

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Re: If you had to relocate to another country, where would you go?

I am only 80 miles from Canada so that would be the easiest but I would love to live in France. 

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Re: If you had to relocate to another country, where would you go?

I was born and raised in Canada. It would be my first choice if it ever came down to that. I really do not see that happening. I am now a US citizen, and all my children live in the US.

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Re: If you had to relocate to another country, where would you go?

France.  Paris to be exact.  I've been fortunate to travel to many places, but nothing compares to Paris in my opinion.

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Re: If you had to relocate to another country, where would you go?



It would have to be a coastal city though.

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Re: If you had to relocate to another country, where would you go?

Sorry, but I can't even name another town, or state, I would be satisfied to move to, let alone think of moving outside the US.    I just have no interest in being anywhere but right here.  

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Re: If you had to relocate to another country, where would you go?

New Zealand. Great people, beautiful country 


2nd choice - Cayman Islands

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Re: If you had to relocate to another country, where would you go?

Sydney or Melbourne. I spent 3 months in both cities for work and could live in either city easily. Loved the people and the cities equally so either would do. 

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Re: If you had to relocate to another country, where would you go?


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Posts: 10,434
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: If you had to relocate to another country, where would you go?

[ Edited ]

Italy (Tuscany or Umbria).  No question!  (If I ever get rich, I'm going to buy a home there.)  Smiley Happy