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Thank you! It is always gratifying for me to hear stories of those that take great efforts to defend even nature's little creatures from harm. Don't let those danged crows get those little babies.





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Re: I am on guard duty

[ Edited ]



Great story, loved reading it. We have about every type of bird visit our bird feeders and the Big Blocks of food we place in wired type cages. These most often are visited by woodpeckers/blue jays, and of course our variety of different color squirrels. One of the pleasures of life for us, and all right in front of us in our patio room. Ah, 2 hummingbirds as I type.





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My dad lives in the country, a robin had built a nest on one of the lights on his porch. About 1 1/2 months ago mama robin had 3 baby birds, their little heads would pop up when she returned, it was pure cuteness . A couple of weeks later I couldn't see the babies and mama wasn't around, was sad cause I thought probably something got them. This past Saturday mama was back in the nest, she may have laid eggs cause she was on the nest practically the whole time I was there. This time I "think" it could've been papa robin was with her, he was always near and at times up on the side of the nest with her, hope he was there to help and not hurt (the last time there were no other robins with her). I'm going over there today, I bought some dried meal worms to add to the different feed I put out for my backyard birds, gonna take some for her, hopefully the eggs/babies are still safe. 

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@dex  I feel your sadness 😢🐦, I just posted about a robins nest. Now, I'll tell a story about a crow I tried to save. In my neighbors yard is a huge palm tree, crows have turned it into their home. Last May during an extremely windy day a young crow must've got blown out of it. It wasn't a baby but a young one. Animal control said to place it up high and the mama will get it. I put a lawn chair on top of a table and brought the dogs in. The bird jumped off it and no mama ever came into my yard, but let me tell you she was near with all her squawking. Since that didn't work, I turned to the internet. Got in touch with someone familiar with crows, she said unfortunately the mama will not come down to get it and that it will die. Since I didn't want to give up, back to the internet.  Articles also said the mama crow will not come down to get it, they said to put it somewhere where it's open. Since I have dogs, I put it in my front yard that has cypress trees and bushes, by now there was a whole tribe of crows squawking like mad. I had to leave for the weekend; when I got back the crows were still sqawking like crazy, but now they were a few houses down. Sure enough the crow was hiding in bushes there. I brought it back and put it in the entrance to my house, gave it water and food, then secured it so it couldn't get out. It looked to be in good condition, exploring everything. One morning when I checked on him, he looked like he was sleeping but the little one had died. It broke my heart, I really wanted to prove the lady wrong 😭 💔.  The crows squawked like mad for about a week after it died. I've always liked crows, they are very pretty and luckily at my feeders they aren't bullies, they eat, drink then leave.

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@hckynut  Yes, yes, yes, the birds bring me much peace and pleasure...I back up to Rock Creek Park, suburban MD/DC so I am privileged to be exposed to much wildlife. Have all the birds you named, plus we also get the geese migrating and hanging for the summer, ducks, hawks, and periodically a crane.  Of course we also have foxes, opossums (which I dearly love), raccoons, deer, chipmunks, squirrels, etc. And we have some owls in the forest, you can talk with them if you do some hooting...have always loved being so close to nature and animal life....we are blessed to have them so close, they are treasures.

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@labloverrr @I feel your pain.I am still feeling badly about the whole thing and wish that both of our stories had a happy ending.

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I really miss seeing the wrens & their joyous voices.  We had 2 birdhouses - one in the back yard (tree next to our deck) & one in the front yard (maple tree next to our driveway.)  They used both - that is, until this year.  DH took down the tree in the backyard & some of the branches on the maple in the front yard.  So, to compensate, we put 2 birdhouses in a smaller, but fully bloomed, tree in the backyard & a new one on the trunk of an oak tree.  I thought I heard their voices a few weeks ago but have yet to see them feeding, etc.  


It was always something I looked forward to - watching the babies' parents build the nest, then when hatched, search for food & bring it to the babes.  Their little baby cries for food made my heart happy.

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@dex ,


Just checking in to see how guard duty is going.

I loved reading about your little wren family.

Take care and Heart those sweet birdies.



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@deedledeedeedle @I did an update earlier on but it wasn’t a happy ending.Something got the babies and the mother bird was distraught.I am going to cut that bush down before next spring so that there aren’t any nests built there.It is just not a safe spot to nest.