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Re: How Do/Did Your and Your DH's Tastes Differ in Food?

I eat plant based only and my husband is a carnivore.  I have no problem cooking meat/poultry and seafood for him, my family and friends.


He eats vegetables every day, lunch and dinner--no problem.


But yesterday we were making salads at Whole Foods and he had a (quiet) fit that the only dressing options were 'vegan'.  So he poured a TON of dressing on top of his salad as though that would make it seem like it contained dairy.  Oy.



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Re: How Do/Did Your and Your DH's Tastes Differ in Food?

He eats more cheese, he likes taco beans, I now like more veg's, prefer fresh to cooked.  Otherwise, we're pretty close.  He always tells me to try it, that I'll like it!  I hate that.  I found out Cabbage and green peppers I do like cooked in meals, but that's about it. Now he thinks he knows me. ROFLOLWoman Wink

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Re: How Do/Did Your and Your DH's Tastes Differ in Food?

He ate all the meat......and I ate the vegetables, so it worked out fine.    However, IF I asked him whether he wanted pheasant under glass....or meatloaf....for dinner, he always picked the pheasant.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: How Do/Did Your and Your DH's Tastes Differ in Food?

We pretty much the same foods.  Fried foods aren't part of lives anymore and haven't been for years.  He probably cheats a bit on that when he's out with the guys.  He likes a good steak and that's what he orders when we eat out.  I don't eat beef.  We both like chicken and fish.  We both love italian food, especially a great pizza.  We both try to eat more vegetables.  I like salads and he likes roast veggies but we both like either one.  Depends on who is cooking.  He likes a big breakfast on some Sundays and he likes cooking it.  Eggs, bacon, sausages, pancakes....the works.  I won't touch that.  A boiled egg and an english muffin with some grapefruit sections is my idea of Sunday breakfast.  

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Re: How Do/Did Your and Your DH's Tastes Differ in Food?

Our tastes have always been very similar, we grew up eating the same family type meals, and lean towards old style home cooking.  


Food allergies limit what I eat that contain egg whites, milk, and cheese; he has no food allergies.   I have to avoid citrus; my husband could drink orange juice by the gallon.   


My husband likes fish and shrimp, but fish was never on the menu at my house.   I like liver; my husband was forced to eat it as a child, but won’t touch it now.   We both hate black beans, but love other types of dried beans.    



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Re: How Do/Did Your and Your DH's Tastes Differ in Food?

My  hubby was a country boy.  However, after being in the military, his tastes changed, stil a meat and potatoes person; he would try anything two times.  if he didn't like it, out it went.  I am not a sweet eater and he loved them.  I baked and did  a lot of sweet dishes but never ate a single bite.  A great compromise

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Re: How Do/Did Your and Your DH's Tastes Differ in Food?

Our diet and food tastes have changed tremendously as we age. We rarely eat red meat, we don't like turkey, but do eat chicken on occasion. We mostly follow a Mediterranean Diet at this point and we don't really eat much of anything at one time. We still love cheese cake though and will never turn it down.

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Re: How Do/Did Your and Your DH's Tastes Differ in Food?

We like pretty much the same foods overall with a few exceptions! I can eat leftovers one time and he'll eat them until they're gone. He loves liver and onions - I won't touch them, so he cooks them when that's what he wants. I'd never put a canned sardine even close to my mouth - he loves them and buys cans of them to keep his "nice supply". LOL. Other than that, we both like beef, a little chicken, homemade soups and most all vegetables. He eats whatever I cook and never complains. He makes his own breakfast and usually his lunch when he's hungry....I do the same and it works for us, thankfully! I think I'm lucky!