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😂😂😂 That's a perfect way to look at it!

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That's how I'll look at my age from now on, I'm gonna share it on my fb page.

I love- Shut Up I'm Still Talking!

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I always say I am "Later middleaged!" .

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I have/had a friend (he's since passed) who always threw himself a birthday party but he never aged. It was always the first anniversary of his 50th, or 5th anniversary of his 50th, or the 10th anniversary of his 50th, etc., etc.   :smileyvery-happy:

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I am as old as I've ever been but hopefully not as old as I'll ever be.  

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I have a terrible time remembering how old I am...I told someone a few months ago I was 64...and I was being honest.  My husband promptly corrected birthday was 2 months later (late July) I turned 69.  Honestly I cannot believe I am that age.

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Registered: ‎10-28-2020

Hi Shanus! You're awesome! Age is just a number, right? 💙 🤗

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

I got married on my  twentieth birthday sixty -two years ago. My word!