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It's getting hot here pretty fast after our cooler than normal Apr. Our 14 day forecast shows 10 of those days with 100°+ temps.

It's going to be a scorcher next week. All I can say is at least our humidity will finally move out of here after several storms that have had.

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Yuck.  I can't deal with a string of 100 degree days.  We are on the downside of a string of 90 degree days, dropping to under 80 in a couple days.  Limit your time outside and keep hydrated.

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Where are you Nightowliz?  I'm in Alabama, same here.  Expecting the tropical storm to come through Birmingham overnight tonight and during the day on tuesday.  Expecting several inches of rain.

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Yes, it is hot!   Yesterday 97 and at noon today it was 88 and going into the mid 90's.  I hate this weather.  However, according to the forecast, we will be going back into the low 80's end of week and stay there for a while.  Amen.  This is the Chicago area.  Cat Happy  A Blessed Memorial Day.

kindness is strength
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I hate humid, hot weather with a passion.  We're in SW PA.  It is to hit 89 today and 90 tomorrow.  We should be in the mid to high 70s.  The local weather forecasters are dancing around so excited having something interesting to report.  I just want to smack them.

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It’s going to be 97 today in Phoenix and 105 by the weekend. We’ve been lucky so far and haven’t had to many days of over 100. We’ve been in the 90’s quite a bit.  But once it starts it won’t end until October. I’ll take 100 plus with no humidity vs 80 with humidity.

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I'm in southern Fl. 84 but overcast and very windy,somewhat humid - certainly not bad.When it's so windy you don't notice the humidity.

Today is our 15th straight day of rain - every day in the 10 day forecast predicts at least a 50% chance of rain. Good grief.

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Goodness, be careful. Its hot here too, but not that bad. We are 91 and suppose to be in the nineties for the next several days. We are humid though and the meteorologist said a while ago as far as humidity, we haven't seen anything yet........

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Well I will trade our weather with any of you dealing with high temps. Lousy long weekend here weather wise. In the 50's and drizzling. I am wearing a sweatshirt right now to keep warm. Count your blessings. 

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@happycat wrote:

Goodness, be careful. Its hot here too, but not that bad. We are 91 and suppose to be in the nineties for the next several days. We are humid though and the meteorologist said a while ago as far as humidity, we haven't seen anything yet........

@happycat I don't know where you are located, but that just wants to make me sit down and cry.