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Yes, for birthday, sympathy, Christmas, anniversary to special people.  I send a card each week to a very senior citizen who many times will not answer her phone.  I need her to know I care and am thinking about her!  I have purchased a box of cards that have all kinds included, so cards are always available when I need them...

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I stocked up on all greeting and holiday cards when our Hallmark was going out of business. That was last summer and I have so many cards stored in a flat, clear container under the bed. I had to separate them to keep them neatly organized or I would go crazy trying to find what I need!.


Usually send the most out at Christmas. The best deals were 10 for a $1.00 the last few days before Hallmark closed. 

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Posts: 44,179
Registered: ‎01-08-2011

Re: Greeting Cards

[ Edited ]

@momoftwo2007 wrote:

I still send greeting cards. And I just saw the presentation for LOVE POP CARDS. They look amazing!!  I would love to get a set of that. 

H213457 LOVE POP Cards

@momoftwo2007,Go to their site and see their Halloween cards!  Unbelieveable!


Image result for lovepops halloween cards

Image result for lovepops halloween cards

Honored Contributor
Posts: 41,088
Registered: ‎08-23-2010

Re: Greeting Cards

[ Edited ]

@elizabethl123 wrote:




Our Dollar tree has a section of greeting cards that are 2 for $1.00 .....   so I'll buy a few when I see something I really like.   


This is the only place I can get a card that is Happy Birthday from both the dog and the cat .....  NOT an easy card to come by, lol !   Woman LOL

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Posts: 257
Registered: ‎07-13-2010

I too try to look for the "right " card, had a dear friend and I sent them a birthday card and was quickly told the card was not appreciated and it was not funny to no way did I mean to cause a problem, I apologized but that was all I could do..I was told if thats the best I could do I should not waste my time  .  oh well life goes on. 

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@coffee drinker,

I think that this is a very nice American tradition. In Europe we only send thank you notes for big presents, cards for Christmas and even telegrams for condolences. Young people just use What's up and similar apps for everything🌻



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Posts: 30,247
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Yes, I send cards all of the time.  I send thank you cards, birthday cards, you name it.


I often send gift cards with the cards.  However, lately hummm?? they've somehow gotten lost!  I've started sending them registered (I think that's what it's called) I get a number to follow them because I've been told because they 'look' like cards people put gift cards in them they are stolen.  Yepper, I've had 3 birthday cards stolen within the past several months.


I recently sent my daughter a card with money and gift cards in them and sent them in a small box (registered).  This is getting stupid having to do this.  


I always heard it was a felony to mess with the mail but somewhere along the lines......I guess anymore people can say and do what they want to and nothing happens.  Sign of the times.....


I don't send email greetings.  I believe in picking out a card, writing a note and mailing it/them.  I've raised my daughter's to do that.....and they do.  If someone cares enough to do a kindness or give me a gift I figure I can send them a card, but it appears @coffee drinker we are in the minority.  Email thank you notes don't mean much to me...


From the time my grandchildren are born my daughter's teach them to scribble something.  The infants (of course) their mom's do it for them.  Hopefully when they get out on their own they will continue to do this.