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A month ago I saw a couple of fruit flies.  I thought they came in the house with some tomatoes I had in the garden but I've never had them before.  Then they multiplied and I had ALOT.  I couldn't figure out where they were coming from.  Then I remembered that I had bought a bag of baking potatoes from Walmart.  I took them out of the car and put them downstairs.  Little did I know that they were infested with fruit fly eggs. So I picked up the bag to take it outside and the bag was teeming with fruit flies. I can't get rid of them.  I have cups of apple cider vinegar and soap on both sides of the kitchen and one downstairs.  But it's not doing the job good enough. Tonight I emptied my spice cabinet and put it all outside because I catch more on that side.  I don't know where they are.  This is so frustrating.  I'm never buying produce from Walmart again.

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Re: Fruit Flies.......Ugh!

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Has nothing to do with Walmart, I did the same thing with a bag of potatoes from Kroger this summer...fruit flies for the first time too & just got rid of them. They're fast so swatting them is difficult, I found a spray bottle of Dawn worked great, they got stuck in the foam so a quick wipe with a paper towel napped them. Good Luck @Scooby Doo.

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Re: Fruit Flies.......Ugh!

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Fruit flies were bad this year. We had gone to Kroger and tried to buy oranges on 4 different shopping trips, fruit flies were swarming the area because in each bag it looked like one of the oranges had split. So of course we passed on buying them and went on to do our shopping, little did we know we had bought a danish and didn't know one was in the sealed box. GROSS!!!

We ended up taking the sealed box back to Kroger for a refund.

If the fruit flies are that bad in your house you may want to consider bug bombing it - keep in mind people and pets can't remain in your home when it's being done, also they have one that you don't need to turn off the gas  not sure this is still available cause it's out of season but we use 


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I would also be wary of produce from Walmart - and any other place that doesn't have high turnover.  I usually only get produce from a supermarket, like Wegmans.

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Re: Fruit Flies.......Ugh!

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Terro makes fruit fly traps.  They look like a small red apple.  I just sit them on my counter and they work great!


I have found them at grocery stores and Walmart.  

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In Your Wildest Dreams by Justin Hayward
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I buy everything organic and am sure that fruit flies would be the happiest on my produce.  But I put everything in these fine mesh bags (got them at WF) and never have a problem.  They're kind of like lingerie bags.  lol.


I don't put them on things that go in the refrigerator.


A few days in the mesh bags in a bin in the pantry and I can bring everything out and place them in bowls and on platters.  


You have to <knip> it in the bud as soon as you bring stuff home.

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I use the 'RESCUE Indoor Fly TrapStik' catch them and any other little fliers. It's odor-free and non-toxic.

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I just ordered some Terro and some yellow sticky things from Amazon.  

One little booger keeps flying in my face while I type this.

I can't even leave my dog's food on the floor because they get in it.

I read that these flies can lay eggs just 2 days after they are hatched and can lay several hundred.  Sheesh!

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Re: Fruit Flies.......Ugh!

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It's a yearly thing here, then it's for about once a month.


Fill a dish with 1 part dish soap, 1 part Apple Cider vinegar.  Cover tightly with saran wrap tightly over the dish.  Poke a fork in carefully in 2 spots.  It lets them in, then they can't get out, later, throw them out (they'll be dead).'s over.  They are more like drain flies than fruit flies here.  But the apple cider will attract them.  Possibly some could be fruit flies, but not sure.

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My husband has had 2 fruit flies fly into the microwave when he's heated his cup of tea.  As soon as the microwave door is opened, they fly out!