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Re: Drying Clothes Outside....

Nope, I'm definitely not a fan of hanging my nice clean clothes outside in the dirty air!! Yes, air is dirty gang. I love the warm clean freshness of my clothes coming our of my dryer. Can't be beat. 

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: Drying Clothes Outside....

@ID2 wrote:

Nope, I'm definitely not a fan of hanging my nice clean clothes outside in the dirty air!! Yes, air is dirty gang. I love the warm clean freshness of my clothes coming our of my dryer. Can't be beat. 

When I was a child, everyone hung their clothes outside, there were no dryers. I remember the worst smell in my life was coming home from school and smelling the air dried clothes.It was suffocating to  me. I have no allergies, but it was one smell that just took my breath away.I'll stay with my dryer and the Bounce papers I put in them.

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Re: Drying Clothes Outside....

I still hang my clothes and sheets out.  I live in a community that "bans" clotheslines, but there is a law on the books here in Colorado that allows everyone to use a clothesline.  You can't have a clothesline out all the time, but you can use a retractable one you can use and retract.  I have an agreement with my HOA for hours (8 - 4) during the week, no holidays.  It's a wonderful way to use less electricity, it's much easier on your fabrics, and everything smells great.  It's so dry here, things dry very quickly.

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Re: Drying Clothes Outside....

I hang a few things but not the majority....some things end up being 'stiff' so I have to throw them in the dryer to soften them up a bit.

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Re: Drying Clothes Outside....

We hung out all our clothes when i was a kid.  i remember my Mom having me fold the sheets with her right off the line.  we got a clothes dryer in the winter of 8th grade. the lines had all these little spiders and they got in the clothes.


i was 14 and saved up and got a brand new pucker fabric purple top with the ring zipper pull in front.  bought at the cool new Unisex boutique.  washed it and mom said to hang it on the line. but not for how long. it was poly/ nylon! 


So i hung it up right in the blazing morning sun. it was summer and i forgot all about it until dinnertime.  took it down and it had bleached to lavendar. i cried. my mother yelled at me and said she wouldn't give me any money to buy another one.


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Re: Drying Clothes Outside....

One year I got this thing from Q that lets me hang stuff out.  I haven't used it outside in a few years, but I won't get rid of it.  I really liked to have the whites out in the sun and air.  

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Re: Drying Clothes Outside....

@phluphy wrote:

We lived on the third floor and my Mom would hang all our clothes on the line.  When we needed to replace the clothes line I had to climp a pole, very high, to replace it.  Brought back memories for me.  Also when it was winter she had to bring the clothes inside after hanging out and they were stiff as boards.  I do miss the fresh smells though.  Do put a few pieces out but not much anymore.

Mom did it growing up - it was great for sheets but not so much for the clothes which would be stiff.  HOA prohibits doing so here - I have a wrought iron table and two chairs that I sometimes drape clothes over but for the most part - it has to be all dryer now.