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Do you have any superstitions?

I do. They are sports related. 

*must use a team mug for my coffee on game days 

*must wear team shirt

*have to mute the tv the second my team gets behind. If I don't they will lose for sure. If I mute the crowd noise they will make a comeback 


my teams are Michigan State University,  Detroit Lions, Detroit Tigers, Tampa Bay Lightning hockey


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Re: Do you have any superstitions?

Absolutely, No.

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Re: Do you have any superstitions?

Despite knowing it's illogical, if two bad things happen, I am waiting for the third bad thing.

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Re: Do you have any superstitions?

Hmmm.  Black cats, walking under a ladder,  and broken mirrors aren't really something I worry about.  Your superstitions made me laugh @fairydogmother  as I know many people who share those sports related ideas!


If I see a heads up penny, I feel the need to pick it up.  In my case, it's more of a compulsion though -- like in an OCD kind of way.  I also need to pick up items in the grocery store that people have dropped or discarded and place them on the shelf - pick up paper towels that have been thrown on the floor in a ladies room - that sort of thing (or else something bad will happen to me).  It's weird what our minds do to us.  

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Re: Do you have any superstitions?

disclaimer: my little superstitions are just fun and don't rule my life. 😬😉

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Re: Do you have any superstitions?



Won't walk under a ladder as it seems unsafe anyway.  And how often does that situation occur ha.  


Still superstitious but on the good side, love Friday 13th days, always seem to be a great day.

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Re: Do you have any superstitions?

@fairydogmother wrote:

disclaimer: my little superstitions are just fun and don't rule my life. 😬😉

Oh yes, I understood that and hope I didn't imply otherwise!


Mine, unfortunately, do.

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Re: Do you have any superstitions?

I leave a building by the same door I entered. 

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Re: Do you have any superstitions?

1) I don't open umbrellas when I'm inside.

2) I believe that leopard print and pink lipstick can bring me good luck. 😄

3) I don't look into mirrors in the dark. 

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Registered: ‎08-20-2012

Re: Do you have any superstitions?

Don't step on cracks. Passed on to me by my mother. One day I was walking with my son's friend's mother and she caught me. I said guilty and we both laughed.