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Do you have tattoos? I dont have any and seem to be in a growing minority!

If we all had the same opinion or everyone was the same. the world would be a very boring place!
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Re: Do you have any Tattoos?

Yes I do on my right lower arm.  Its a wolf head with butterfly wings and the body part is peacock feathers.


I never thought I would get one, but I found mine on pintrest and liked it so much.  It represents 3 of my favorite animals.

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Re: Do you have any Tattoos?

I don't have any tattoos, I never will have any.  I don't even understand the attraction but almost everyone I know does have at least one.

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Re: Do you have any Tattoos?

@HouseMouse, I don't but do have pierced ears for earrings.  

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Registered: ‎03-04-2016

Re: Do you have any Tattoos?

@qualitygal   I have my ears pierced too but wont ever get a tat!

If we all had the same opinion or everyone was the same. the world would be a very boring place!
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Re: Do you have any Tattoos?

I do not,but if someone were to ask me about a career choice I would say learn how to permantley remove tatoos.

And there was no one left to speak out for me....
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Re: Do you have any Tattoos?

I don’t have any tattoos but both my kids have several.


They had to be 18 yr of age and pay for them themselves.





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Re: Do you have any Tattoos?

No, although I've considered it from time to time.


But then I decide I really don't want something permanently inked onto my body.

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Re: Do you have any Tattoos?

No, but I have some stretch marks, does that count?

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,903
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Do you have any Tattoos?

Neither my sons, their S.O.s  nor I have any tattoos nor do any of us plan to get them.

Not a fan of ink on any body parts.