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Re: Did or Do You Knit, CROTCHET, Sew Or Quilt?😊

@Shihtzursqmom wrote:
@SandySparklesmy hobby is quilting
I’m not a seamstress At ALL I can assure you no one would wear any article of clothing I made
Along with quilting my husband will tell you collecting fabric is my hobby 🙄
I will only admit I have plans for the bins of fabric and I admit I do make frequent stops at our local quilt store
For “ thread “ and just to “ look “ at new fabric for ideas 😜
I also do cardmaking and used to do scrapbooking
My 12 year old granddaughter shares my love of quilting she’s made 3 small quilts

@Shihtzursqmom Welcome!🥰 I think quilting is a GREAT hobby! Having watched my dear mother and grandmother make BEAUTIFUL❤ bedding masterpieces, I understand the effort and skill involved! How wonderful it is that your dear granddaughter now enjoys quilting! The skill will remain in your family for at least another generation!😁

It is QUITE impressive for a 12 year old to have fashioned 3 quilts!❤


THANK you SO much for caring to share!🤗


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Re: Did or Do You Knit, CROTCHET, Sew Or Quilt?😊

@Dusty1 wrote:

@SandySparkles We don't worry about "girl things"/"boy things".

We do what we do.


@Dusty1 Welcome!🥰 I did not mean to imply that you worried!😁 It was a light reference in quotations to what MOST young boys say about things they perceive to be strictly related to girls!😊 I think it is WONDERFUL that yours do not!❤


THANK you SO much for revisiting and caring to share!🤗


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Re: Did or Do You Knit, CROTCHET, Sew Or Quilt?😊

@Shanus wrote:

@SandySparkles   Hi Sandy. I did sew about 45 yrs. ago. When my daughter was very young, we lived next door to a Canadian woman with a little girl who was best friends with mine. She (the Mom) used to sew little jumpers w/ fabric that already had smocking at the the top. You just measured the inches around your DD, left some extra room and did one seam, added straps and Voila a jumper.


I made her about 4 jumpers, a few throw pillows and that was it. I sold my sewing machine when we moved from our first house. I found it frustrating doing all the measuring, threading (before self threading needles) etc. I don't remember the name of the needle underneath the plate...ah the bobbin (?), but what a PIA. 

@Shanus Welcome!🥰 I smiled as I read your post because you did MUCH more than I could ever have done, and can absolutely understand how FRUSTRATING it was.😁


THANK you SO much for caring to share!🤗


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Re: Did or Do You Knit, CROTCHET, Sew Or Quilt?😊



I used to knit, can't anymore due to arthritis in my dominant hand.  I miss it though.  And by the way many years ago I took a class in knitting and the instructor said that you should crochet first and then knit.  But, I never did learn to crochet.  And chrocheting at least in these parts always seemed to be more popular.

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Re: Did or Do You Knit, CROTCHET, Sew Or Quilt?😊

@Lilysmom1 wrote:

@AuntMame , I am a quilter.  I make one every winter.  The number of quilting shops has dramatically reduced over the last decade or so.  Interesting that you buy fabric online.  Have you found a trusted supplier?


My favorite online fabric shopping spot is Stone Mountain & Daughter Fabrics in Berkeley, CA. They sell a very eclectic mix of things, including quilting fabric. The selection on their web site changes daily. They offer frequent discounts so you need to sign up for e-mails. They also sell swatches. All my experiences with them have been positive.


For occasional home dec and quilting fabrics I buy from assorted Etsy sellers. 


I've had poor experiences with Fabric-dot-com which is now owned by Amazon. 


I generally avoid buying fabrics through Amazon, however a Youtuber I regularly watch who does sewing tutorials claims to have had good experiences buying fabric from India via Amazon. 


I have had good experiences buying non-fabric sewing items through Amazon. Like upholstery foam, sewing tools, thread, poly-fill, etc. 

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Re: Did or Do You Knit, CROTCHET, Sew Or Quilt?😊

@Dusty1 wrote:

@Cakers3 It's a great hobby but a great skill to have.

I forgot that we did do some cross stitch before too. 

And jewelry making. 

I love to craft.

@Dusty1   oops. Did I mistake @SloopJohnB as the poster who tats?🤔


Anyway such a great group of crafters/seamstresses/needle workers.


The only jewelry I made was at a jewelry making home party. Earrings.


I enjoyed all the posts.👍

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Re: Did or Do You Knit, CROTCHET, Sew Or Quilt?😊

I have no skill in any of those areas, so their appeal is almost non-existent. I appreciate that so many do have talent for these activities, though.

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Re: Did or Do You Knit, CROTCHET, Sew Or Quilt?😊

My husband was in the military when we were young. We were stationed in Germany for 4 years and since there was no American tv, I had to find something to entertain myself with on my days off work. I decided to teach myself how to crochet. I ended up making dozens of afghans in a lot of different patterns. Sent them to the states as gifts for birthday, Christmas, new baby, you name it!!!😁😁😁
When we got back stateside, I never picked up another crochet needle!😂😂
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Re: Did or Do You Knit, CROTCHET, Sew Or Quilt?😊

@mildoo wrote:



I used to knit, can't anymore due to arthritis in my dominant hand.  I miss it though.  And by the way many years ago I took a class in knitting and the instructor said that you should crochet first and then knit.  But, I never did learn to crochet.  And chrocheting at least in these parts always seemed to be more popular.

@mildoo Welcome!🥰 I am sorry you can no longer knit because I understand how challenging it is to lose the ability to do the things you LOVE❤️.


THANK you SO much for caring to share!🤗


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Re: Did or Do You Knit, CROTCHET, Sew Or Quilt?😊

@insomniac2 wrote:

I have no skill in any of those areas, so their appeal is almost non-existent. I appreciate that so many do have talent for these activities, though.

@insomniac2 Welcome!🥰 I can certainly understand these things not appealing to you!👍 I SO wanted to master them but just could not!😁


THANK you SO much for caring to share!🤗


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