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Re: December 2021 Holiday Season at the Back Fence

It's been cloudy here too for 3 days @viva923   Not a dark gray kind of cloudy - a bright kind of cloudy.  Either way I'd like a bit of sunshine.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: December 2021 Holiday Season at the Back Fence

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This is the final Back Fence thread for me and I won't be starting any threads in 2022.  If any one you wishes to continue with the Back Fence threads, feel free.  I'll be in the Bird's Nest Woman Very Happy



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Registered: ‎06-24-2011

Re: December 2021 Holiday Season at the Back Fence

@mousiegirl  Sorry for being so late in responding to you. No, UPS doesn't take USPS items to my knowledge. I Know our local UPS Store has mail boxes to receive mail at though. Our mailman half the time puts our mail in someone else's box and vice aversa. So I wouldn't want him to do any pick up for me.

@mousiegirl wrote:

@Leeny   I didn't know that UPS took USPS packages, never would for me when I accidentally took a USPS package there I was called back and handed the package.


Our mail delivery is sporadic also, but they always pick up the package(s) once arranged online, putting two zulily returns out tomorrow morning for pick up.

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Re: December 2021 Holiday Season at the Back Fence

@Bird mama 

Thank You so much for the Birthday Wishes. Sorry that I am a bit behind in responding. It's been a long, long weekend and I have not had the time to post. I had a very nice dinner party out at my favorite restaurant and came back to our house to open gifts. I didn't see the New Year in, we fell a sleep after Perry

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Re: December 2021 Holiday Season at the Back Fence

@Bird mama 

You are so organized that I can't believe it. I am so much in a fog most of the time. Tomorrow I am definitely sleeping in late. We were up early to get ready to go out to our New Year's /Birthday with our family from Rochester. It was tough getting up and moving, but we made it. We went for Chinese, they are always open and afterwards we went to our DD's for cake and opening more gifts. Now we are home and can vegitate for awhile. No more eating until tomorrow. I am stuffed to the brim. We have leftovers from last night and that will be our LaDin tomorrow Woman Wink

@Bird mama wrote:

Hello all, not much going on in my neck of the woods.  It was an uneventful day yesterday and today is also shaping up to be a quiet one, which is fine by me. With all the talk of disruptions due to Omicron, I placed an order with Chewy for some Kaytee Fiesta Finch and Quiko Exotic Egg Food supplement.  I've learned over the years to order before I need anything so I can afford to wait any delays with shipping. 




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Posts: 4,905
Registered: ‎06-24-2011

Re: December 2021 Holiday Season at the Back Fence

@Bird mama 

See you over to the Nest Woman Happy

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