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I have been following Dana on her facebook since her cancer came back  I just got off of it and she needs our prayers  She is in and out of a very bad place and all I can do for her is pray to God and talk to him  No one has to   pray but I know from the large group of us who prayed for Dan Wheelers wife that you are out there  She is the bravest woman I have ever met but there are days that only God Himself  could be brave enough to face Canncer

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Molly ... thanks so much for calling upon us to 'ask' for comfort and healing.  Yes, we are here for Dana~!

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I will pray for Dana. She is a beautiful woman inside and out and I so admire her bravery.

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   I’ve been pulling for Dana since she was diagnosed.I’m worried that this beautiful spirit is running out of time!!

  She is such a warm positive person.So full of love & life.I feel for Dana, her husband & her young children.

  There but for the grace of god go I !!!


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Yes, prayer changes things.

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Re: Dana Bledsoe

[ Edited ]

Moments like this I am reminded of what is most important. Love one another. Show kindness and empathy for all suffering no matter the illness. 


Dana  "Prayers" May God's love hold you close. 



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Thanks for posting the info. I'm sorry to hear this news. I was so hoping to hear good news after her last treatment. I'm praying for her & her family. She's so brave.

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Prayers are being said for Dana and her family.


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@mollymaggie, I am not on facebook but at one time was reading her blog. I see it has not been updated in a while....wondering if she is not able to keep up the blog and posts when she can on facebook?


I feel so very sorry for her.....the children and husband...I said a prayer for her...makes me so sad, I lost my mom to breast cancer.  She was cancer free for years, then it came back, she was gone in two years.   Horrible disease.

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Heartfelt thoughts and prayers for Dana's comfort.

If your face brightens when you meet a friend, you have struck gold. - unknown