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Posts: 5,191
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Daily Positive Thread for Tuesday

Hello my friends!  Well today was certainly a blessing, Darla was here most of the day, she rested and then we went shopping for things she needed yet for the twin's room  New carpet got in today, which is why she spend the day here, and didn't want to breathe in the fumes.  She shut the door and opened the window to air it out.  Now her sister, Lori, is over there and they will decide which paint to paint the room.  She also got a rod to hang up a curtain.  It'll look very nice.  I went along with her to her doctor's appt. too.  It was so nice to be with her.


We are partially responsible for every wrong which we had the power
to prevent.  Lord, grant me the courage to not look the other way when
I could make a difference.

S C R I P T U R E   F O R   T H E   D A Y  

"There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy
habitation of the Most High."  Psalm 46:4

M E D I T A T I O N   F O R   T H E   D A Y  

We seem to live not only in time but also in eternity.  If we abide with
God and God abides with us, we may bring forth spiritual fruit which can
last for eternity.  If we live with God, our lives can flow as some calm
river through the dry land of earth.  It can cause the trees and flowers
of the spiritual life--love and service--to spring forth and yield
abundantly. Spiritual work may be done for eternity, not just for now.
Even here on earth we can live as though our real lives were eternal.

P R A Y E R   F O R   T H E   D A Y  

I pray that I may try to make my life like cool river in a thirsty land.
I pray that I may give freely to all who ask my help.

Draw me Lord and show me your smile, 
Give me your strength to go the next mile.
Guide me along to the path I must go, 
and show me just what I am needing to know.
Cover me, Lord and protect my next steps, 
as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
Hide me ever so close, and be forever my Rock, 
for my vessel is solid and ready to dock.
Author Unknown

You shall not worry, for worry is the most unproductive of all human

You shall not be fearful, for most of the things we fear never come to

You shall not carry grudges, for they are the heaviest of all life's

You shall face each problem as it comes. You can only handle one at a
time anyway.

You shall not take problems to bed with you, for they make very poor

You shall not borrow other people's problems. They can better care for
them than you.

You shall not try to relive yesterday for good or ill, it is forever
gone. Concentrate on what is happening in your life and be happy now!

You shall be a good listener, for only when you listen do you hear
ideas different from your own.

You shall not become "bogged down" by frustration, for 90% of it is
rooted in self-pity and will only interfere with positive action.

You shall count your blessings, never overlooking the small ones, for
a lot of small blessings add up to a big one.
Even When
Even when you have failed before, there is still every possibility of 
Even when one door is closed, another door will open.
Even when the situation appears to be hopeless, there is indeed hope.
Even when your options and your resources seem to be exhausted, there is 
still something more you can do.Why is this so? Because the past does not 
equal the future. Because you are endlessly adaptable, resourceful and 
determined to go where you know you must go, to do what you know you must 
do. Because in this moment, you can move beyond anything at all that may 
have previously held you back.
Even when defeat appears certain, victory is well within reach.
Even when the night is at its darkest, dawn is already on the way.Never give up, never give in, even when everything before has been a disappointment or a 
disaster. Because everything ahead can be just as you decide to make it.
-- Ralph Marston
June 6 - Jesus Calling
SEEK MY FACE, and you will find fulfillment of your deepest longings. My world is filled with beautiful things; they are meant to be pointers to Me, reminders of My abiding presence. The earth still declares My Glory to those to have eyes that see and ears that hear.
You had a darkened mind before you sought Me wholeheartedly. I chose to pour My light into you so that you can be a beacon to others. There is no room for pride in this position. Your part is to reflect My Glory.  I am the Lord!
Psalm 105:4    Psalm 19:1 and 2  Isaiah 60:2
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Daily Positive Thread for Tuesday

It's great how things are coming along for Darla.


Blessings to all.


Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,202
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Daily Positive Thread for Tuesday

Good morning! It's so exciting to read about the preparations for the twins! I can just picture y'all buzzing around working to get ready for their arrival. As I read your posts each day, I realize just how much I've missed them and it's heartwarming to see how they still touch me. Loved the Prayer for the Day, what a nice thought. "You Shall" and "Even When" especially spoke to me. When I think of all I went through the past two years, I know some of these same thoughts carried me through. Colin was good to my area, only copious amounts of rainfall but no extensive flooding. Prayers will continue for the rest of those up the coast in his path. Hope you all enjoy your Tuesday.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,191
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Daily Positive Thread for Tuesday

Harlene and Carolina - nice to see you both!  And yes, it is exciting.  We are going to her ultrasound on Thursday and they will be weighed.  Just wish she wouldn't be in so much pain.