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Re: Daily Positive Thread for Saturday

Hi Lucy!!! Living color for me too!  I like colors!  So nice you found us here and your post shows you got the hang of it too.  I get that sign too at the bottom, nothing to worry about.  Grandchildren can be a handful, I'm sure.  Enjoy them when they're young.  Come back again tomorrow - so nice to see some of regulars back here again!!! You all were missed!

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Re: Daily Positive Thread for Saturday

Gloriajean:  I'm sure many will be back once they get used to the new board.  It is a challenge.

I'm glad you finally were able to post your thread.  If you need help again getting it out just send it to me.


I deleted the one I posted for you the other day - Thursday?  I figured you might want to practice on it.  LOL  Besides I think only lifeisgood posted on it.


Have a wonderful day, everyone.



"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Sat Positive Thread

[ Edited ]

Hi again Gloria,


Ok, I read your post on the Fri thread and now see what you meant about the format.  For me, dove-tailing off my post to you on Fri, I actually like that each separate devotion/quote/thought (or each positivity hehehe) is in a separate post on your topic/thread.  I can pop in and read the meditation, retain most of it because of the brevity, think about it for a while as I go about doing other things, pop back in and read the next post/positivity, etc.  I tend not to read long, involved posts.  The shorter, separated posts are quickly read and absorbed/remembered.  Again, IMHO and just my preference.


Have a positive day, Gloria!  ;o)

~~~ I call dibs on the popcorn concession!! ~~~
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Cakers - thanks for your post and your help - always!  Much appreciated.


MacDuff - Welcome to the Positive Thread!  Trying to know just what I should do here, You want it separately and some want it all in one, maybe alternate it?  

Thanks for your input on this.