Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,193
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Daily Positive Thread for Monday

Hello my friends!  It's been a nice and relaxing day, a rainy day too!  I'm excited because my husband just ordered me a spice rack.  I need a place to put them and sort etc. Right now it's too cluttered in my cupboards.  He got it on also some empty little jars to put my spices in out of the tupperwares they are in.  It'll make a lot of room and I'm looking forward to organizing.  We don't order much, so this is a treat and a blessing!  At the house I had an old one and a bigger pantry that held everything nicely.

Here not.


Treat your family with care.  They should always be your biggest blessing
and source of joy.  Lord, help me speak with gentleness to my family and
be their trusted teacher of Your ways.

S C R I P T U R E   F O R   T H E   D A Y  

"He said to them, 'Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest
a while.'"  ~Mark 6:31

M E D I T A T I O N   F O R   T H E   D A Y 

I can keep a time apart with God every day.  I can be transformed mentally
and spiritually.  It is not the praying so much as just being in God's
presence.  The strengthening and curative powers of this I cannot
understand, because such knowledge is beyond human understanding, but I can
experience them.  The poor, sick world could be cured if every day each soul
waited before God for the inspiration to live aright. My greatest spiritual
growth can occur in this time apart with God.

P R A Y E R   F O R   T H E   D A Y 

I pray that I may faithfully keep a quiet time apart with God.  I pray that
I may grow spiritually each day.
God's Table Requires Table Manners
(Author Unknown)

You undoubtedly felt awkward the first time you had to learn which fork to use. But with that knowledge you can enter any dining experience with confidence.
The same is true when you dine at God's table. At first it seems difficult.
But learning the right manners makes it possible for you to be in any situation and please the Father.

Table manners at God's table:
1. You have to do your own chewing. Too many Christians expect God to take out a spoon and dish up the blessing for them. He is supposed to place it in our mouths, work our jaws to chew it up, and help us swallow it. We want God to do everything. The fact is that you have responsibility in God's sovereign world.

2. Accept the seating. Take the lowest seat, the seat of humility and service. If God wants you to sit higher up, He will show you that, but err on the side of humility, not pride.

3. Finish the meal. John 3:16 tells us, "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son." Some believe that because God has already come and died for the sins of the world, they don't have to do anything else. However, it's important to finish the phrase regarding man's responsibility: "whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life." You must come to Him in order to receive the forgiveness that He purchased for you.

4. Read the menu. You must spend time reading what God has prepared. Read your Bible, meditate on the Word. It will give you strength and illumination according to God's plan for your life. It will keep you on course and remind you of your responsibilities in order to fulfill the plan of God.

5. Count the fruit. If you are not willing to bear fruit for Him, then you certainly have no place to expect Him to answer your requests, even if you ask things in His name. Jesus declares," Everyone that the Father gives me will come to me, and anyone who comes to me I will never drive away" (John 6:37). The Holy Spirit inspires us to go to Jesus and do what He asks of us. His sovereignty makes the first move toward us, but because He gave us free will, we must move toward Him as well.
Prayer when feeling Hurt or Injured
Lord God, touch this place with your gentle hand.

Let your peace pour into the soreness,
wash away the pain,
heal the damage and give new strength by your Holy Spirit.

Help us to forgive, to renounce any bitterness or resentment and receive the healing touch of Jesus.



The 10 Most Important Things Are...



The Special Feeling That Makes You Feel
All Warm And Wonderful.


Treating Others As Well
As You Would Like To Be Treated.


To Be Grateful For All The Good Things
Life Has To Offer.


The Full Enjoyment Of Each Moment.
A Smiling Face.


The Ability To Let Things Be
Without Anger.


The Joy Of Giving
Without Thought Of Receiving.


The Quality Of Always
Telling The Truth.


The Purity Of Doing What's Right,
No Matter What.


The Essence Of Feeling Another's Pain,
While Easing Their Hurt.


The Reward For Living
The 10 Most Important Things.

~Author Unknown~


April 24 - Jesus Calling

Rest in the stillness of My Presence while I prepare you for this day. Let the radiance of My Glory shine upon you, as you wait on Me in confident trust. Be still and know that I am God. There is both a passive and an active side to trusting Me. As you rest in My Presence, focusing on Me, I quietly build bonds of trust between us. When you respond to the circumstances of your life with affirmations of trust, you actively participate in this process.

I AM ALWAYS WITH YOU, so you have no reason to be afraid. Your fear often manifests itself in excessive planning. Your mind is so accustomed to this pattern of thinking that you are only now becoming aware of how pervasive it is and how much it hinders your intimacy with Me. Repent of this tendency and resist it, whenever you realize you are wandering down this well-worn path. Return to My Presence, which always awaits you in the present moment. I accept you back with no condemnation.

“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
—Psalm 46:10

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
—Romans 8:1

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,181
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Daily Positive Thread for Monday

Having a nice spice rack is a good idea.

I like mine it's nice having all your spices 

real handy.

Amazon is pretty fast with their delivery, so you should

A have it in no time.




Honored Contributor
Posts: 9,943
Registered: ‎10-01-2013

Re: Daily Positive Thread for Monday

gloriajean, enjoy your new spicerack. I remember them being very popular in the 70's, I actually kind of forgot about them. They are definitely nice for organization.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,193
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Daily Positive Thread for Monday

Thanks Harlene and RetRN - yes, I used to have one at the house before we moved here, but it got given away, it didn't match anything here.  This new one should work well.