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Re: Cell Phone Etiquette: Am I in the "Dark Ages"?

[ Edited ]

I don't know what is rude anymore.  I have grandchildren who sit next to each other on a sofa and text each other (they are twins).  This is when they are visiting.  And when I walk in a store to look for something there are some who just about bump into me.. they are looking down at their cell phones as they walk.  And of course it is illegal around here to text or talk while driving.    That doesn't seem to deter anyone.  


I do try to use my cell when I am home, in a quiet spot with no other chores to do.  It is a way to relax. When I am out and about or in company I put the cell phone away.  I like to practice my social skills by looking at and talking to real live people.  


If that is being in the DARK AGES... bring it on!

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Re: Cell Phone Etiquette: Am I in the "Dark Ages"?

Oy, @chickenbutt, I'm right there with ya! Also blind w/o my glasses, and also not fond of crawlies. Yeek!  Glad your little friend went on to the Great Bathtub of the Sea at some point.


I'm a slow starter today, but since I recently retired I'm still enjoying being lazy. I'm sure that will pass. But it's fun for now 😎



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Re: Cell Phone Etiquette: Am I in the "Dark Ages"?

[ Edited ]

@RinaRina wrote:

@NYC Susan wrote:

And since when is wishing someone a Happy Valentine's Day a self-centered, inconsiderate thing to do?  And way out of line?  



So, you think it's okay for a man to wish a woman Happy Valentine's day after her spouse has died?  Really?

I don't.  I think it's inconsiderate and inappropriate.




I don't see any reason to think that he did it to be unkind.  


Would it be okay if he wished you a nice day?  I worked in the mental health field for years, and I also know from personal experience that grief can go on forever.  But that doesn't mean that people can't wish you a nice day, or a Merry Christmas, or a Happy Birthday, or anything else.


When my BIL died, my MIL said that she would never have a happy birthday again.  But when people wished her a Happy Birthday, she thanked them because she understood that they meant well.


What is this man allowed to say that wouldn't be offensive to you?  The most benign topic in the world - the weather - had you labeling him as a bore.  He just can't win with you no matter what he does.  Maybe you should stop looking for cruel intentions and maybe you should stop thinking the worst of people.  You haven't written one thing about this man that makes him sound like anything other than a nice guy.

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Re: Cell Phone Etiquette: Am I in the "Dark Ages"?

I have a cell phone but I hardly use it.  It's really only for me to call out on and have in case of emergencies.


I think it is beyond rude for someone to pick up their cell phone and answer it when they are in mid-conversation with a real person unless they previously announced they were waiting for an important call.  I also think it's rude to be constantly checking for texts or texting others.

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Re: Cell Phone Etiquette: Am I in the "Dark Ages"?

@Deb1010yetagain wrote:

I have a cell phone but I hardly use it.  It's really only for me to call out on and have in case of emergencies.


I think it is beyond rude for someone to pick up their cell phone and answer it when they are in mid-conversation with a real person unless they previously announced they were waiting for an important call.  I also think it's rude to be constantly checking for texts or texting others.


For me it's a matter of frequency and degree. I don't mind if I'm with someone and they answer their phone, deal with it briefly (1 min or less) and hang up - same scenario as if I was at someone's home pre-cell - I never expected people to not answer their phone if I was visiting.


I DID, however, consider it rude if my host talked on the phone for 5-10 minutes w/o mentioning they had company and needed to cut the call short. I would feel the same about a cell call.


I don't mind if people read a text or two, or say "excuse me, have to answer this" and do a short text or two back - again not taking more than 1-2 minutes. People use their phones for business, and for family matters that we might know nothing about. But when it becomes a call or text every few minutes - NO.


That said, if friends are meeting for a meal out, phones should be checked in the car before entering the restaurant or before friends arrive and any contacts while at the table should be emergencies only, IMO. Checking the phone obsessively every 5-10 min throughout your time with someone and answering each call/text throughout is VERY rude. Adults should know when to put a lid on something.

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Re: Cell Phone Etiquette: Am I in the "Dark Ages"?

@Susan25 wrote:

@RinaRina wrote:

Do you think it's rude for a person to answer their cell phone while you're conversing with them .. or am I stuck in 1990?

 @RinaRina  What about people in front of you at a retail store that are talking on their cell phone with total disregard of the other customers?  I have experienced this many times when waiting in line at retail stores, convenience stores, etc.  I find the use of cell phones annoying and I don't use mine often only when I really need to make a call or if  I breakdown on the highway and have to call to have my car towed.  

@Susan25*******You need to get their name off of their badge and report them to the manager.

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Re: Cell Phone Etiquette: Am I in the "Dark Ages"?

@ECBG wrote:

@Susan25 wrote:

@RinaRina wrote:

Do you think it's rude for a person to answer their cell phone while you're conversing with them .. or am I stuck in 1990?

 @RinaRina  What about people in front of you at a retail store that are talking on their cell phone with total disregard of the other customers?  I have experienced this many times when waiting in line at retail stores, convenience stores, etc.  I find the use of cell phones annoying and I don't use mine often only when I really need to make a call or if  I breakdown on the highway and have to call to have my car towed.  

@Susan25*******You need to get their name off of their badge and report them to the manager.





I think Susan25 meant the customer in line in front of you who is yapping away on their cell phone.


I remember working in retail, and I would scan their items, and the customer was talking on their phone. I would tel them their total, and they wouldn't hear me. I was tempted to tell them that their total was in the thousands of dollars, just to get their attention.


I never did though.

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Re: Cell Phone Etiquette: Am I in the "Dark Ages"?

@Plaid Pants2 wrote:

@ECBG wrote:

@Susan25 wrote:

@RinaRina wrote:

Do you think it's rude for a person to answer their cell phone while you're conversing with them .. or am I stuck in 1990?

 @RinaRina  What about people in front of you at a retail store that are talking on their cell phone with total disregard of the other customers?  I have experienced this many times when waiting in line at retail stores, convenience stores, etc.  I find the use of cell phones annoying and I don't use mine often only when I really need to make a call or if  I breakdown on the highway and have to call to have my car towed.  

@Susan25*******You need to get their name off of their badge and report them to the manager.





I think Susan25 meant the customer in line in front of you who is yapping away on their cell phone.


I remember working in retail, and I would scan their items, and the customer was talking on their phone. I would tel them their total, and they wouldn't hear me. I was tempted to tell them that their total was in the thousands of dollars, just to get their attention.


I never did though.

yes @Plaid Pants2  you are correct.  It isn't the sales clerk that is talking on their phone but the many customers who are on their phone with total disregard of the other customers in line behind them.  If a retail store is busy with long lines the customers should be considerate enough to get off their phone when they are being waited on.    

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Re: Cell Phone Etiquette: Am I in the "Dark Ages"?

Cell phone "etiquette" is almost non-existent imo. Smiley Sad