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Registered: ‎06-14-2015

Re: Can i vent?anybody there?...

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Re: Can i vent?anybody there?...

@Keeper of the koi, your husband has accomplished what few people ever do. Losing weight is a difficult journey, and sixty pounds is quite an accomplishment. Your love for him shines brightly through your words. What a blessed man he is. Smiley Happy He has the whole world by the tail. Congratulations to both of you for recognizing what is important. Bless you both. 

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Re: Can i vent?anybody there?...

My favorite is when you decide to try a new hairstyle or color and someone walks up to you and says "What did you do to your hair?"


What happened to if you don't have anything nice to say.....don't say anything at all?

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Re: Can i vent?anybody there?...

@Keeper of the koi, That comment, could have been answered with, oh, you're thinking of my twin, but I've heard about you! And walk away. Those thoughtless little minds, who have diarrhea of the mouth, can just be ignored. People who have NO idea of the weight loss battle, and what those who have lost, have won!  Consider the source and ignore it, hope your husband was back on feet after having the wind knocked out of his sails. That just makes me so angry when someone is so thoughtless on the words they use. What a bumpkin! There, now I feel better, but I'm with you on that.

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Re: Can i vent?anybody there?...

@Nataliesgramma wrote:

My favorite is when you decide to try a new hairstyle or color and someone walks up to you and says "What did you do to your hair?"


What happened to if you don't have anything nice to say.....don't say anything at all?

@Nataliesgramma, I agree and the childhood chant of, Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. If only that one really worked.

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Re: Can i vent?anybody there?...

@Keeper of the koi

I wanted to check back with you and see how you and your DH are doing today? 


I hope you are sharing a beautiful day together. Filled with blessings. ❤️


You, my dear, have many friends who stand up for you and your husband. 


You're both in my thoughts and prayers. 

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Re: Can i vent?anybody there?...

I am not sure I understand this.  60 pounds is huge amount to lose and he should be proud of his accomplishment but is he still very large?  

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Re: Can i vent?anybody there?...

Congratulate your husband for me on his recent weight loss, that is wonderful and no small feat.

That man should have known better. I swear, I don't think some people can help but act ugly. I went with my husband to his family reunion in another state a few years back. Upon meeting one of his distant relatives for the first time in my life, she asked me if I was pregnant. Some people are just looking to cause trouble.


Valued Contributor
Posts: 579
Registered: ‎12-14-2015

Re: Can i vent?anybody there?...

Thank you all for the support.It hurt me that someone  could speak such unkindness to my sweet husband.He is the kindest person God created.We talked this morning about it.I told him there are friends you dont know, who stand with you, you arent they only person struggling with weight.He said its hard to function  in life when people make coments about you , and yes some laugh.There are lessons to be learned  everywhere, the important one, compassion.You  who posted here have such love  in your words, thank you again..And to the confused poster, yes some people are still large after  losing 60 lbs. My husband has a long journey ahead, and you bet your life I will proudly stand next to him.Thanks for the messages  it really  made him happy..Hugs,Maryanne

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Posts: 15,158
Registered: ‎06-27-2013

Re: Can i vent?anybody there?...

@Keeper of the koi

Please! Tell your husband we are proud of him for being the husband, man and friend he is!


I know he will reach his goals. 


In the meantime, you and he are special and fantastic people. 


You and your husband enjoy your day!