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Funny you mention Ulta, I just got back from one. I ended up buying the UD a Razor Sharp eyeliner in Retrograde color a purple with sparkle in it. I just put it on and it's nice. It creates a nice thin line too! You have to shake it before use, so ignore the reviews where they say it's watery. It needs to be shaken first! 


I tried out a blush from UD called Fetish -- had to use a lot on my face to even see it! I used a cheek brush to apply it courtesy of the salesclerk. 


Ulta had a small bottle of Givenchy Ysatis which I purchased and they had the 2 OPI polishes from the new Washington, DC collection -- Inside the Isabelletway and Get Off the Lawn! I will use the green one for painting touch up on some resin garden signs -- leaves.


I brought with me the Bare Minerals Ready Foundation in Medium Beige and the salesperson determined that the new Pro Performance one closest to it would be Silk 14. She didn't give a great explanation of why this one though it costs pretty much the same why would I need it? 


I did like the UD Snake Bite Razor Sharp eyeliner but they were completely out of it -- only the tester. I may get that directly from UD. 


So that was my foray to Ulta. I may go over to Sephora later today or tomorrow. I sampled Versage Yellow Diamond fragrance when I was at Ulta, but they were out of the rollerball version which is nice for travel.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Just wanted to add that testers on many of the UD blushes and highlighters were a different color than the ones in the boxes. I guess people using their fingers to swatch them with the skin oils altered the color. So watch out for that if you decide to play with some of the testers. 

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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@Moonchilde wrote:



The last @GingerPeach posted was mid-June. I too hope she's okay. 


The other day I thought I might be getting a cold, but then realized, after talking to others locally and watching the news, that it's reaction to our horrible air quality from the fire and only happens when I've been out and about nearby. Yesterday was really creepy-looking, skyward.





Yes, but that can't be good for you.  I know you are careful, I hope you don't have to stay outside for a long time.


Take care!


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Not good for anyone, @Noel7 :-( 


My g-niece works in the thick of it, and both her kids are going to school in it. There isn't much PE or outside recess at the area schools these days. 


They are actually advising people who live in areas where they smell smoke a lot to buy N95 respiratory masks from the hardware store. The pulmonologist on air said that if you can smell smoke, particles are capable of getting into your lungs.


I haven't been outside today to see (very lazy) if it's smoky. Worse in the a.m. and to about 2 pm, then the wind changes direction & blows it away.


Niece & hubby have been on vaykay out of town this week and good thing, as he has respiratory issues. It's just been me & kitteh minding the homestead ;-)

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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UD has been getting in nice things lately, I like their Vice line.  Your latest trip sounds like fun.


Get Off My Lawn and Kerry Blossom were the two I ordered the other day.  I want to try wearing that green one for fall, but like you, I also use polish for touching up nicks and chips etc.


I ordered two more this morning, OPI Cool Apple and the Isabelle Way also!

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Re: Can We Talk?

[ Edited ]

Since we are discussing nail polishes, I have some CoverGirl Nail Slicks from I guess the '90's and I tried a few again that I have. Would you believe that I have not seen chipping on my nails within a few days like I do with the OPI ones? 


I am wearing one called Winelighting right now.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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@Moonchilde wrote:

Not good for anyone, @Noel7 :-( 


My g-niece works in the thick of it, and both her kids are going to school in it. There isn't much PE or outside recess at the area schools these days. 


They are actually advising people who live in areas where they smell smoke a lot to buy N95 respiratory masks from the hardware store. The pulmonologist on air said that if you can smell smoke, particles are capable of getting into your lungs.


I haven't been outside today to see (very lazy) if it's smoky. Worse in the a.m. and to about 2 pm, then the wind changes direction & blows it away.


Niece & hubby have been on vaykay out of town this week and good thing, as he has respiratory issues. It's just been me & kitteh minding the homestead ;-)





I know how awful that is.  The fire in the Oakland hills some years ago blew across the bay and right at us.  Horrible, all the way 'round.


And when Mt. St. Helen's blew, a lot of northern California, including us, had issues with particles in our air and covering things.  Awful.

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@JustJazzmom wrote:

Since we are discussing nail polishes, I have some CoverGirl Nail Slicks from I guess the '90's and I tried a few again that I have. Would you believe that I have not seen chipping on my nails within a few days like I do with the OPI ones? 


I am wearing one called Winelighting right now.





OK, that's amazing Woman LOL


I am wearing an OPI pink I really like and have had on for two weeks.  I'm amazed there are no chips, and it's not a gel.  Usually, I'm lucky if I get five good days out of polish, but I have thin nails that bend easily.  I use six coats of various products when I do my nails.  Gotta strengthen them some way.

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After running over to the local electronic waste collection pick up (got rid of my old laptop and parts of our desktop that were upgraded) I had some lunch and then headed out to Sephora at the same mall I was in yesterday. DS destroyed months ago the hard drive of the laptop before I brought it over to collection.


I wore today the Teint Idole 24H liquid foundation from Lancome and no blush. Just the highlighter below my eyes. I had one of the salesclerks apply the Urban Decay Fetish blush and then we walked outside to the mall where it was nice and bright with a mirror. I liked it as it picked up the pink tints of the highlighter I have been using.I lalso own Urban Decay Video and that picks up the peachy tints of this highlighter. She handed me the brush and I adjusted the blush to my liking. I ended up getting it.



I picked up another eye shadow from Urban Decay called Chopper which is a bronze shimmer shade. I may use it on either the below brow or the lid itself.


Eyeshadow in color Chopper



I also got a sample of Versace Yellow Diamond Intense to try at home. I had read reviews on the original Yellow Diamond and a few said that the scent starts off great but fades in a few hours (which is what happened to  me yesterday when I sampled it at Ulta). The Intense has more staying power from what I read of the reviews. I hope this is the case for me.



I also picked up an Origins Ginzing eye cream which is supposed to make you look less tired-- it does contain coffee in the formulation. I wonder how awake I will look after using it before I apply any make up? LOL



So it was a nice break to just look and try new things and have some fun.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Please let me know how that GinZing works out for you, I could use a little help not looking tired Smiley Happy