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I watched quite a few movies this weekend:  

Lee Daniels' The Butler

San Andreas

Age of Adeline

The World's End

and Spy a bit earlier in the week.

I loved them all except The World's End.  That was kind of silly.  


Has anyone seen a good movie lately and in any form (theater, DVD, streaming) or maybe a good tv series?

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: Can We Talk?

[ Edited ]

We saw 'Lee Daniel's The Butler' in the theater when it came out.


Last movie we saw was 'Bridge of Spies' and hopefully tomorrow or Wednesday we will get to see 'Spectre'.


We want to see 'Spotlight' and 'Trumbo' as well.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: Can We Talk?

[ Edited ]

@GingerPeach wrote:

I hope everybody is OK and getting better.  

@MyGirlsMom @betteb @NoelSeven @JustJazzmom @dulwich


Here's a little something that might help lighten the mood.


Do you know what my little dog loves almost as much as she loves me?


OK, guess. . . .  I'll give you a few more seconds . . .






You're right, it's food.  But not just any food.  It's CHICKEN!!

And even more than CHICKEN!! is the anticipation of CHICKEN!!

(You'll note I'm putting CHICKEN into caps because that is absolutely how she thinks about it.)

What she really loves is when I come home with a pre-cooked chicken, all warm and smelling delicious.  And I've started to lift her up so she can peer into the trunk of the car where the CHICKEN!! sits just tantalizing her.  Then she knows for sure what's going to be in her little blue food dish before too long.  CHICKEN!!  Tah dah!

(I used to pick up my cat to show her what was in the trunk, too.  She never got this excited.)



Oh, but she LOVES CHICKEN!!!


Is the water too cold for you sweetie? Poor baby!

It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines
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Happy Tuesday!



I had a splendid day out with my youngest even of she had to rein me in at the Christmas Tree Shops and Home Goods. Woman LOL


It was a beautiful mid fall or early spring day.  I'm lovin' the warm temps.


Beef and Broccoli for dinner..


I hope everyone had a good day.

Keep Your Face To The Sunshine and You Will Not See The Shadow
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Re: Can We Talk?

[ Edited ]

@MyGirlsMom wrote:

Happy Tuesday! 


I had a splendid day out with my youngest even of she had to rein me in at the Christmas Tree Shops and Home Goods. Woman LOL


It was a beautiful mid fall or early spring day.  I'm lovin' the warm temps.


Beef and Broccoli for dinner..


I hope everyone had a good day.

@MyGirlsMom  Happy Tuesday to you, and everyone.


My day is only partially gone.  The mail hasn't even come yet.  Although UPS dropped off a replenishment of philosophy's microdelivery peel.  Love that stuff!


It's clear weather here today also.  I cleaned off my patio and did some cleaning inside also.


And may I say, I LOVE that you know how to spell!!!!


@NoelSeven  Special healing thoughts coming your way.  


[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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I'm liking this colder weather for making colder weather dishes.


Today I made a braised cabbage dish (sweet and sour) and yesterday baked some hefty Japanese sweet potatoes.  So now I have two things (in larger quantity than usual) to choose from to eat as part of lunch or dinner.  


Easy peasey!

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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I 'LOL'd' at you 'replenishment comment! Woman LOL


Anyone have any experience with LG 'spackle'? 

Keep Your Face To The Sunshine and You Will Not See The Shadow
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I haven't tried the Spackle.  

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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@GingerPeach wrote:


I haven't tried the Spackle.  

Thank you @GingerPeach..I'm interested in the 3 piece kit.

Keep Your Face To The Sunshine and You Will Not See The Shadow
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010


Well, who wouldn't want An Evening in Rome!  Pretty things.


I don't want to be a fear-monger but am hesitant about silicone in beauty products.  I've seen both pros and cons.  I'm sure you're aware.

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.