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Re: Can I just vent a little ?

Not everyone has extended family willing or able to help. Not everyone has a job with flexible hours or the ability to be there with their child. It's a sad reality. This post just emphasizes the terrible challenges both teachers and parents have faced through these tough times of the pandemic....
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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Can I just vent a little ?



Where are the parents?


My guess...checking likes on Farcebook. Taking selfies of thier makeup. Taking photos of thier own breakfast burrito or leaving for work early to stop at Starbucks.


They can't make breakfast for their own kids for the same reason. Let the kids eat at school. The teacher can feed them. Now where's my phone?


My parents divorced when I was 9 in 1965, Mom went to work, and she made me and my sister breakfast each day AND a lunch to take to school, so please don't tell me it can't be done cause they're "too busy".


And we lived in NYC at the time. Going to work AND school required using mass transit.My mother got up very early to make sure HER KIDS weren't being cared for by "someone else".


Of course, Mom didn't have Farcebook and wasn't checking likes or taking selfies of her makeup or fingernail polish or photos of her bologna sandwich on a plate at lunchtime.


 And of course, people didn't make excuses all the live long day as to why they couldn't do things like they do today. 


I feel for those kids. And I really respect ANY teacher today.


What a thankless job.

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Posts: 3,077
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: Can I just vent a little ?



I assume you've heard of Covid vaccines and boosters?


Where'd you get your tinfoil hat?


Do you think the whole world was making Covid up? 


Over a million deaths HERE. Worldwide who knows?


Sheeesh .


Funny how those who made sure to personally get all the vaccines and boosters for themselves and thier families are now the loudest mouths denigrating the same.


Hospitals are in need of volunteers right now to help with increasing illness ...maybe you could volunteer. Might change your mind and you'd be doing something to help instead of repeating nonsense from TV.

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Posts: 10,103
Registered: ‎10-01-2013

Re: Can I just vent a little ?

@Othereeeen wrote:



I assume you've heard of Covid vaccines and boosters?


Where'd you get your tinfoil hat?


Do you think the whole world was making Covid up? 


Over a million deaths HERE. Worldwide who knows?


Sheeesh .


Funny how those who made sure to personally get all the vaccines and boosters for themselves and thier families are now the loudest mouths denigrating the same.


Hospitals are in need of volunteers right now to help with increasing illness ...maybe you could volunteer. Might change your mind and you'd be doing something to help instead of repeating nonsense from TV.

What a ridiculous post. You might be quite surprised to know what I am currently doing to help in the healthcare field. 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 11,308
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Can I just vent a little ?

The problem with virtual education is lack of parenting. Parents must be willing and able to ensure the child attends, does their homework, gets good grades, is up-and-at-em when school starts, and has an in-person social network. A lot of parents don't do any of this.


I'm a firm believer in attending school in person.  But I don't make decisions for other people. 


My son and DIL home school their kids - now in 1st grade. They also attend the military base's education program. So they get a lot of social interaction, learn teamwork, hands on work, science, reading, history, extracurricular activities, scouts, etc etc. They are 6 and testing at the high-3rd grade level. They know how to behave in different settings and have friends. It's as close to public school as I've seen anywhere.


If I was in charge, the world would be a better place, including public eductaion.