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How's your weather?


We're overcast.  People are concerned about flying out.

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Prayers for all you people in the "cone."  And of course for those already devastated.

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Registered: ‎05-17-2010

Re: Calling Shanus

[ Edited ]

@depglass   Prayers to all from me, as well.


@ECBG   Rain here and wind picking up. 7500 in area w/o power. We should be getting "most" of the storms around 3PM....


I'll be napping since awake early to walk Molly. We have her doggie door closed and she's not used to walks during the day, but going in and out on her own.....DH is home working so doesn't chance driving home in worse weather.


Several house guests cuddled on the sofas reading and relaxing. Cooked dinner this morning so if lose power just needs heating up....Chicken Tettrazini...easy and yummy.


Thanks for checking in and hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

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Goodness!  Please stay safe!  How many hours are you past Charlotte please?

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@ECBG wrote:



Goodness!  Please stay safe!  How many hours are you past Charlotte please?


@ECBG   We're about 2 1/2 hrs. from Charlotte.

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Did you do ok?  We had a shower.

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@ECBG   Oh wow!  We had real rain with wind and power out for awhile. It may come back around tomorrow for a light "hit".

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Bless your heart!  So sorry.   I hope things come back more quickly!