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Business etiquette question.

My husband and I own a small business.  We recently learned that  our largest customer has sold their business to an out of the area company. 


The work we do for them can obviously be performed by other companies  like ours, but we are local, and the work we do is used locally....would it be to bold of me to ask the purchasing agent that we deal with if there is a possibility that we could lose their business?



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Re: Business etiquette question.

If it were my business I would ask!  Unfortunately in the business world one has to often be bold to make sure that your business is running smoothly and successfully.  You can be sure that most businesses would be asking particularly since it's your largest customer.


Maybe you might want to be prepared to offer some incentives to keep that business coming back.

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Re: Business etiquette question.

It is fully within your right to reach out to your contact to understand how any contracts you have with that company will be handled with the sale.  

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Re: Business etiquette question.

[ Edited ]

I would ask them if your company can continue to do business with the new owners if they haven't already made the decision not to.


If they have already cut ties with you then I would still reach out to them and let them know that your are still interested in doing business with them in future if they needed it.

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Re: Business etiquette question.

Please welcome them and state you would enjoy maintaining the same professional relationship you have enjoyed in the past.

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Re: Business etiquette question.

That's not business etiquette.  That's being a proactive business owner.  Of course you should ask if they anticipate any changes or reductions in what they purchase from you.  Regardless of what they say, you should work on a plan B for if you lose their business.

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Re: Business etiquette question.

the answer is yes yes yes. I have been a purchasing agent and I would very much appreciate my suppliers calling this to my attention.  There's going to be enough issues with the transaction, and you can let them know that you are with them.

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Re: Business etiquette question.

Thanks for all the replies.


I sent an email to her...first offering to call if she preferred, but email was fine.  


I asked what I needed to ask and she replied that they did not anticipate any changes in how things ran in that particular  purchasing department.


She did indicate she would let me know if anything comes up and also appreciated me reaching out!


again, thank you

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Re: Business etiquette question.



So happy that things are going forward in a positive way for you!

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Posts: 13,775
Registered: ‎07-09-2011

Re: Business etiquette question.

[ Edited ]



I would contact the new owners directly,


Welcome them to the community, tell them of the services you provided to the previous owners, for how long, and your interest in continuing the relationship.


Ask to meet with them, or their representative to discuss their needs and your continuing services.


I feel this is normal proactive, business practice.

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