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I know you girls love to give advice 😉 tomorrow my husband's daughter, husband and kids will be in our area. They live in another state. Hub and I will hang out with the kids at the waterpark while their parents work remotely inside their resort suite. My stepdaughter says instead of going out she will cook dinner. Fine but whenever we see them she doesn't get around to getting ready to go out to eat or get dinner made until hours after her stated time. It's rude and infuriating. Like last time we joined them at a hotel, she didn't stop working until six pm, then kept us waiting and starving in their room while she took two hours to get ready to go to dinner. This woman is so self centered it's ridiculous. I know this is going to happen again tomorrow. I jokingly said to DH, I hope Teresa doesn't keep us waiting until ten o'clock to eat or I'll be dead. He just grins. His only child can do no wrong. Help me adjust my attitude and maybe offer some tips. 

Harmonize the World
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Bring snacks!

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Take snacks so you're not hungry and just be glad for the visit. 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

yes snacks for sure

Harmonize the World
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She's REALLY gonna make dinner for at least 6 a hotel suite?????

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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@Desertdi wrote:

She's REALLY gonna make dinner for at least 6 a hotel suite?????

that's what I said. Riiiight. She won't be prepared whatsoever. *rolling my eyes*

Harmonize the World
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So, I’m guessing they work through the vacation? I would just tell her the truth. Let’s go and meet at 6pm for dinner. It’s too late for us to wait until you get off and get ready.


Honesty is the best policy.

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I tend to eat my meals at 7:00 a.m., 12:00 noon and between 5:00 & 6:00 p.m.  However, I know many families whose schedule is 2 - 3 hours later than my normal meal times including my niece and her family.  I'm a diabetic and it is important that I have meals on a regular schedule.  Therefore, I have a built-in excuse to decline if I know a lunch is going to be at 2:00 or 3:00 or dinner at 8:00 or 9:00.  In those cases, I might still attend but I'll eat beforehand.  Your daughter-in-law might not think of it as rude if that's their normal meal times.  


Sorry that doesn't help you much but it wouldn't bother me to eat beforehand and decline the meal once I get there.  I'd make sure she was aware of that ahead of time so she doesn't overprepare for the # of people.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
- Author Unknown
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It's an infrequent visit and occurrence.  You know how your husband feels and it seems important to him so I would suck it up and snack as needed.  You know what to expect and can have a plan to deal with it.  I wouldn't make a big deal out of her behavior at this time and I would take snacks, be nice and enjoy the grandkids.

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hmmm just brainstorming here. If we dont see sufficient evidence of meal prep, maybe we could suggest ordering food. Have it delivered, or my hub and I could pick it up. That way Teresa couldn't hold everyone hostage haha

Harmonize the World