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Re: Bird's Nest - February 2017

Happy Friday to all, it's another sunny day in my neck of SE Michigan. 

My houseplants probably don't know what to do, lol.


My eldest sister (who passed) was the main connection between me and her children (my nieces).  I'm not a pushy aunt and have made some attempts to reach out since her passing.  Last night I said, that's it - time to text - since that's how they communicate.  My middle sister reached out to the youngest niece (we haven't seen or spoken to her since Christmas Eve).  I reached out to the eldest niece (saw her on New Year's Eve and last spoke on January 7th).


I want to take the eldest and her family out to dinner since her husband's BD was on 1-31 and her BD is on 2-14.  I think I'll be able to get on her calendar some time after 2-11, rofl.


The youngest niece responded to Mary and says, we need to get together for coffee or something.


It's not perfect, but it's progress.  I want to see the littles - my great nieces.  I miss the babies who will not be babies forever.  Zoe, the eldest of my great nieces will be 6 next month.  I'll blink and she'll be going to highschool - you know how that is.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Bird's Nest - February 2017


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Bird's Nest - February 2017

The Red Fox: Males are referred to as  reynards, females as vixens, and young as kits, pups or cubs. A group of foxes is a "skulk", "troop" or "earth".  Their main diet is insects, reptiles, berrys and nuts.  They, like squirrels, are hoarders. They gather, eat just enough for the day, and then store the rest for snow days.:

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Bird's Nest - February 2017

[ Edited ]

@Bird mama wrote:

Happy Friday to all, it's another sunny day in my neck of SE Michigan. 

My houseplants probably don't know what to do, lol.


My eldest sister (who passed) was the main connection between me and her children (my nieces).  I'm not a pushy aunt and have made some attempts to reach out since her passing.  Last night I said, that's it - time to text - since that's how they communicate.  My middle sister reached out to the youngest niece (we haven't seen or spoken to her since Christmas Eve).  I reached out to the eldest niece (saw her on New Year's Eve and last spoke on January 7th).


I want to take the eldest and her family out to dinner since her husband's BD was on 1-31 and her BD is on 2-14.  I think I'll be able to get on her calendar some time after 2-11, rofl.


The youngest niece responded to Mary and says, we need to get together for coffee or something.


It's not perfect, but it's progress.  I want to see the littles - my great nieces.  I miss the babies who will not be babies forever.  Zoe, the eldest of my great nieces will be 6 next month.  I'll blink and she'll be going to highschool - you know how that is.



@Bird mama


It is good that you and your sister are reaching out to your nieces.  It does sound like progress with your sister reaching out. Now let's hope that you can get together and go out to celebrate their birthdays.  You are so right about how fast they grow.  My sisters' daughter had triplets, all 3 are boys and they are  going on 2 years old already and I have not seen them.  I need to get to NJ to see them soon.  Time seems to just keep flying on by.

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Re: Bird's Nest - February 2017



I'm not sure if I posted this Cardinal picture before, but it's so pretty it's worth a repeat. 

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Re: Bird's Nest - February 2017

Behold I have found my mittens now I will have some pie please:

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Re: Bird's Nest - February 2017

omg. i love those cardinals. thats an awesome picture. thanks for sharing.

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Re: Bird's Nest - February 2017

“A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” Winnie-the-Pooh
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Re: Bird's Nest - February 2017



Even though I understand an artist couldn't replicate the 'motion', that would be a nice tattoo idea.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
Honored Contributor
Posts: 127,897
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Bird's Nest - February 2017

Night Owl!: