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Re: Back Fence for April 2018

For long time posters who may have posted with BobbiSue througout the years, I learned today (from 2 other threads) that she passed away a week or so ago. 

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Re: Back Fence for April 2018

Thanks for posting that Bernie - I have wondered what happened to so many of the posters we old timers use to know so very well - times changed and with the advent of FB, the groups we had on these boards also slowly disappeared. So very sad. I will always feel that those posters I got to meet and visit with personally was a true benefit in my life. Did not get to visit Bobbie Sue but sure liked her on the boards. Still do not understand why so many left and went on FB - still not a big fan of that avenue.


Not going to be too hot today and the weekend will bring cooler temps - again. LOL.


Am dreading the little ones waking up - yesterday was the day from  you know where as they both woke up around 6:30 in the morning - way too early for them and neither crashed last night until close to midnight - cannot figure them out when they do that. Ricky did take a LONG 4 1/2 hour nap starting at 1, but Leah did not crash until 4:30 and woke up at 6. This is not my style of living.


Have a great day everyone.

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Re: Back Fence for April 2018

Thanks Bernie for letting us know about Bobbie Sue.  I didn't post with her often but know she was quite active on the bbs for a long time.  


It was was very nice here yesterday.  Cool overnight.  I had a couple plants in the garage  that I had neglected badly.  Set them outside to see if there is sny life left in them.  Looked out at the back yard and noticed the neighbors yard is a sea of yellow dandelions.  So pretty to be such a pesky weed.  Soon their white seeds will be blowing all over the yard.  


Hope your little ones ones wake up in a good mood, Freddie.  I'm sure with the nicer weather they are itching to get outside and blow off steam.   Do you by chance have any parks nearby?   Might do all of you good to have a change of scene and perhaps there would be other kids to play with and care takers that you could chat with.  


I need to get busy today.  I decided curbing around my rocks around my trees would be nice and then they would not need to be trenched every year.  It was more expensive than I thought but I decided to have it done. Hope I made the right decision and that I'll (we will) love it.  

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Re: Back Fence for April 2018

Betty, the little ones go outside quite a bit. It helps  but does NOT seem to tire them out for naps. Now doesn't that just figure. I  could NO take them both to a park by myself. Ricky would take off from me probably and there is no way I could guarantee I could catch him. In the past have taken them to parks but have always had someone with me. It is like taking them to McDonald's to play - no way I can climb up on those tubes, etc.


Froze last night so this morning went around shutting all the windows. No need to fear as they will be all opened up again in a few hours I am sure. LOL.


Do have one lady who called yesterday who is always willing to help but she, like Sherry, lives quite a distance away and does not drive but has two sons living with her who do drive. She has been a great help. 


Am getting a bit irritated with Sherry as she was back home yesterday and has not called me. I hear she has been told she needs b ed rest for a couple of days but would you not think she would call ME and let me know. She has requested to adopt the children and I have put up no block on that as I know we all would have access to them but something is just not right and I cannot put my finger on it. Do know she and Matt are having problems but they need to get their act together as this is hard on everyone - especially the little ones. And there is always the possibility Tessa will get them back - I do not know. I do know there is Court in June and the facility where Tessa and the little young one -= Anthony - is staying are putting in requests that she be reunited with all her children and there is an approval in El Monte at a facility where they have beds already reserved for she and ALL her children due to her behavior the past year. She has made a lot of progress and I am proud of her but she could stumble again as Shannon, her Mother, is absolutely NO support for her in any way. So sad. Time will tell.


Enjoy your day everyone =- ADT will be here between 8 and noon - what are the odds it will be noon??? to check on the wiring for the outside cameras. I have screamed about it as the lines to both cameras are quite visible and accessible and they have been unplugged on too many occasions. Even they say the wires should be not be visible so I say to them then why are they and why did I pay to have the outlets moved up as high as possible but they are still accessible. We shall see. Always something.


Again, have a good day.



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Re: Back Fence for April 2018

@Winifred  Tessa has much to overcome and no offense intended, Shannon has not been the best example.  Then again, Shannon has her issues.  You're trying to break the cycle, that's for sure, and I give you credit for it.


In Michigan I think the preference is to reunite parents and kids.  I don't know lots about the laws however I can see why the authorities in CA would like to keep Tessa, Anthony, Leah and Ricky together.



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Re: Back Fence for April 2018

Freddie I wish I could wave a magic wand for you but I can't.  The preferred solution would be to unite the family but would Tessa be able to take the stress.  She seems to be doing well with Anthony but adding two more might be really hard.  The children's personalities seem to becoming more aggressive like there is something going on.  Hope not.   If only there was a reliable, younger family member.   I could never hold up as you have.  

The yard is cleaned up.  Got it done before Merle got home. No, I didn't do it just hired it done.  It  was bugging him and he is on a deadline at work right now.  About the first time I bent over, I'd be gasping for breath.  The bare spots that appeared almost overnight the lawn maintenance guy I hired said was caused by sod bugs. We will spray for those.  It looks like my dogwoods survived the winter but my old lilac tree looks dead. It may come back. Most of my lilacs are the miniature kind but I still had one old fashioned one.  Waiting to see if I killed my Rose of Sharon bush by pruning it back severely. It was getting way too tall. I kept reassuring merle that it would be fine but I'm holding my breath. Everything is slow this year.  

Raining here and much cooler.  

Bernie I had to laugh about your shelled peanuts for the squirrels. I think I'll look for a different bird bath. My bowl is so shallow. It is a pain to keep clean.  

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Re: Back Fence for April 2018

beautiful spring day today,in the 70s. We started to get the screened porch in shape. Had to clean some mold off the floor. So tomorrow I'll wash down the furniture,and get the cushions out.think I'd better buy new pillows,as I'm sure the old ones are covered in pollen. 

Tomorror my son and family will be here. Love seeing the boys. Next Sunday night is the marine retired security guard dinner. These men were in Paris together in the 60s.Will stay at the hotel as it's always a late night. Hubby enjoys seeing his "old". Buddies,and one couple is friends we have had since we have been married,almost 49 years.good to see them as they moved south a few years ago.

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Re: Back Fence for April 2018

I can't say that the front yard really needed it, however it is April 30th, so I fired up the mower and cut the grass.  I'm having a cup of coffee and then I'll do the backyard.  It's so nice to be able to do this on a Monday at noon, rofl.


It's the little things that make me happy :-)

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: Back Fence for April 2018

[ Edited ]

@yock wrote:

Freddie I wish I could wave a magic wand for you but I can't.  The preferred solution would be to unite the family but would Tessa be able to take the stress.  She seems to be doing well with Anthony but adding two more might be really hard.  The children's personalities seem to becoming more aggressive like there is something going on.  Hope not.   If only there was a reliable, younger family member.   I could never hold up as you have.  

The yard is cleaned up.  Got it done before Merle got home. No, I didn't do it just hired it done.  It  was bugging him and he is on a deadline at work right now.  About the first time I bent over, I'd be gasping for breath.  The bare spots that appeared almost overnight the lawn maintenance guy I hired said was caused by sod bugs. We will spray for those.  It looks like my dogwoods survived the winter but my old lilac tree looks dead. It may come back. Most of my lilacs are the miniature kind but I still had one old fashioned one.  Waiting to see if I killed my Rose of Sharon bush by pruning it back severely. It was getting way too tall. I kept reassuring merle that it would be fine but I'm holding my breath. Everything is slow this year.  

Raining here and much cooler.  

Bernie I had to laugh about your shelled peanuts for the squirrels. I think I'll look for a different bird bath. My bowl is so shallow. It is a pain to keep clean.  


@yock  Birds like baths that are on the shallow side, so they can wade in without fear of drowning, especially the small birdies. Smiley Happy  I once put out a Pyrex glass pie dish and so many chicadees came to it.

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Re: Back Fence for April 2018

The Back Fence has been shored up for May

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise