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DH has built two blue bird houses with holes the size they like.  We have a bird feeding station with three feeders, 2 woodpecker blocks and two squirrel boxes with peanuts.


Wouldn't you know our resident blue bird couple have been making a nest in one of the squirrel peanut boxes with a hole larger than they usually look for and they are chasing all the other birds away from the feeders.  Totally ignoring the great houses DH built especially for them.


I watched them today chase two Red Headed Woodpeckers and one blue birds stands guard while the other is in the box.  When they leave the other birds that have been chased all morning sneak in and grab some seeds before the blue birds come back.


Such little birds to be chasing much bigger birds away.  It has been an entertaining day.  I love watching the birds

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I too love watching the birds 🐦🕊🦅🐤🐥
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I love Blue Birds.  We used to have quite a few, then my neighbors had to cut down their Ash Trees years ago.  Ever since we haven't had blue birds.

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We have a fam in our nest box now too! And yes, the males at nesting times are always VERY aggressive about their territory!  Love my bluebirds! 

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We have plenty of Blue-Jays, but I have never, ever seen a Bluebird except in a Bambi movie.


OP's post was so funny-excuse me for laughing.

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Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Buy some mealworms. The bluebirds will go anywhere for them.

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Registered: ‎05-10-2010

I thought this was going to be about Blue Bird




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Posts: 3,897
Registered: ‎11-20-2010

@Drlinda   Yes, we do have mealworms for the bluebirds and also for another species (I forget which other one DH buys them for)