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Re: As the Leaves Turn - Welcome Autumn

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Re: As the Leaves Turn - Welcome Autumn

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Re: As the Leaves Turn - Welcome Autumn

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Re: As the Leaves Turn - Welcome Autumn

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Re: As the Leaves Turn - Welcome Autumn

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Registered: ‎11-09-2013

Re: As the Leaves Turn - Welcome Autumn

This may contain: a black background with halloween decorations and the words boo on it

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Registered: ‎11-09-2013

Re: As the Leaves Turn - Welcome Autumn

This may contain: two dogs peeking out from behind a wooden cabinet with their heads sticking out the door

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Registered: ‎11-09-2013

Re: As the Leaves Turn - Welcome Autumn

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Registered: ‎11-09-2013

Re: As the Leaves Turn - Welcome Autumn

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Re: As the Leaves Turn - Welcome Autumn

Hello @Sassy7356 and all!   Good morning!   On tuesday morning I was cleaning teeth for a dental confrence about weather or not to get a root canal on a loose tooth.  By accident I hit myself square in the eye with the water pic water jet.  I really messed up.  My eye couldn't stand any light, was tearing like crazy and felt like a rock was inside.  I was intense with pain and discomfort.  The eye is better this morning as I can stay inside my skin.  I wait until monday to go to the doctor, can't stand for it to be touched.  I have really been clumsey and stiff here lately and that probably made me mess up.  Just so clumsey.  I love you all so much and miss you.  Take care of yourselves.  Love and hugs!  Heart