Frugal? In some ways, very frugal. In other ways, no.
My parents were quite frugal and when they retired, they traveled the world. My dad died at 79 and my mother much later. She told me she wished she had spent more along the way - what if they never made it to retirement? They were lucky, right?
I work in the financial industry. I see people saving and saving their money and then leaving it all to their kids/grandkids. And then I see the kids/grandkids blow it all. Very sad.
I like to spend money on my hair, getting massages and nice beauty products. Not La Mer nice, but some items from Sephora. Others would think that was a huge waste of money but this is why we all like to do our own thing
What I won't spend money on: cruises, world travel and restaurants that cost more than $60 for two. I buy clothes on sale, including consignments and Goodwill. I bring my PB & J when others spend $10 going out to lunch. I bring my own coffee to work.
Fun to read everyone's definitions of frugal and what's important to them.....