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Re: Anyone have luck with online dating sites??

You may want to look at the Our time dating site.  it is restricted to people over 50.

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Re: Anyone have luck with online dating sites??

[ Edited ]

Personally, I have not. They weren't the rage when I was single. My brother's widow, however, met a wonderful man and is now re-married. When she told me she was seeing someone from, I begged her to date for at least a year and have him sign a pre-nup should he propose. My brother left her extremely well off and he didn't appear to have a dime nor a job. He is working now and she is very happy. Her mother, I hear, gave her the same advice, and she followed it. LOL

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Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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Re: Anyone have luck with online dating sites??

@MalteseMomma wrote:

Many,many years ago, (over 20) when computers were new, I met 3 men  online. I  I met them in a AOL chat room.Widow and widowers chat room. They were from my immediate  area.Very near me only the next town . We went on a few dates , movies,dinner,lunch,to church together,ect..I never joined a dateing site.


One happened to be a younger guy,recently broke up marriage and i told him to go home to his wife ,which he None of the dates ever became s**ual.


One guy was in California and we talked for hours (all night long practically) for a yr or more but have never met. We are still online friends. Smiley Happy


Another one I dated for over a year , our kids got us together. .both That is when I deceided not to bother anymore because it took me all day to get ready to go out at  and it wasted my   I missed my fav tv shows Like I said I am a loner  and like to be I hated leaving my dog and we (my dog and I) would jump for joy when he finally left to go



Always meet in a public place ,like your local dinner for coffee,  in broad daylight,first.


It never amounted to anything because I am really am a stay at home ,loner at heart. But we have remained very good friends all these years. We e-mail ,talk on Fb , exchange christmas cards,ect. One guy passes my home daily on his way grocery shopping and asks if I need anything.One has since moved to Fla but we still remain friends and  all were my own age and widowed. I never dated a divorced man,did not want to compete with a I like living alone,I can eat choc cake for dinner if I want to.........



I doubt I would ever do that again. I consider myself lucky now when I think about  oh, one guy I met at an Audobon meeting .We went bird watching a few times ,but one night he seemed to be taking me home the "dark" way. I got scared and never saw him


My advice is to join something you like,meet people there,get to know them and take it from there. volunteering helps to meet people too.  Good luck to you and keep in mind to be careful.

Thanks for your post..I am a loner too..have met a man but I really like being at home with my dog (baby!) I've been married longer interested in doing that again, and this just reinforced how I feel! My kids are grown..looking forward to some grandchildren someday..(God willing) and that will be my next chapter! I like not having any drama..I've also thought about volunteering at a Childrens hospital..they need huggers, as many moms never visit their babies in the NICU..isn't that sad?? These babies need skin to skin contact to thrive..I would love to do that! I would feel I have a purpose~Heart

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West
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Re: Anyone have luck with online dating sites??

I have had memberships with a few online dating sites, but none of the guys I have met were my type.  I would only give myself a 30 day membership.  It has been about 3 years since I have been on one of them.  I will never go back to online dating. It is just not my thing.Woman SadWoman Very Happy 

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Re: Anyone have luck with online dating sites??

I have know several people who have met great people and even gotten married from an online dating site.  Others have met nothing but losers.  I think you need to be very very careful.  First red flag would be mentioning money.  It would take me a long while to be able to let them know my address and real name.  You can find out so much on the internet.  If they have your real name or even phone number they could find you.  Very scary.

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Re: Anyone have luck with online dating sites??

Several years ago I met the nicest man I have ever dated online.  We enjoyed each other's company but did not live close and he traveled a lot.  Just didn't work out.


Then I met a man in Church.  Lots of fun, loved to dance and I would go over in the afternoon and we would cook dinner (he would grill) together and I would leave about 10.  It became more serious and we lived together a few months.  He was a PA Italian with a terrible temper and when he got angry, he was angry.  He never got angry at me but once but as I was leaving, he pushed me out the door, forcefully, I landed on one leg, tore the meniscus and wound up having surgery.  


Good and bad men are everywhere, not just online!

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Re: Anyone have luck with online dating sites??

@Zhills wrote:

Several years ago I met the nicest man I have ever dated online.  We enjoyed each other's company but did not live close and he traveled a lot.  Just didn't work out.


Then I met a man in Church.  Lots of fun, loved to dance and I would go over in the afternoon and we would cook dinner (he would grill) together and I would leave about 10.  It became more serious and we lived together a few months.  He was a PA Italian with a terrible temper and when he got angry, he was angry.  He never got angry at me but once but as I was leaving, he pushed me out the door, forcefully, I landed on one leg, tore the meniscus and wound up having surgery.  


Good and bad men are everywhere, not just online!

You can meet a guy on the job and have this same experience as you did with that Italian male.


I am ready to date and I have received a lot of views and responses.


HOWEVER - some are so skeevy.  I dread looking through the people who have taken the time just to view my profile.  


Some of the questions these guys ask are pretty vile too.

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Posts: 1,261
Registered: ‎06-02-2014

Re: Anyone have luck with online dating sites??

My niece found her husband

on EHarmony.  It surprised me

to hear that, but her mother said

it was very secure..

She is an attorney, and I guess

didn't have a lot of success in regular dating situations.

She was 35 and her (now husband) is a couple of years

younger.  According to my sister, they are very happy and well

matched.  They married two years ago and have a baby turning

one in a few weeks.  Glad it worked out, and they are happy.


If I remember correctly, Shawn K. said she met her husband on



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Re: Anyone have luck with online dating sites??

I've known my husband for many years, and I didn't meet him on a dating site.  But, I do know some people that have met their husbands through match and e harmony.  I think it can happen.



The issue with the dating sites is the following: 


someone good looking is looking for a match.  They meet a girl and like her.  Then, they come home to an inbox full of more e'mails with even hotter women who want to meet them.  It becomes a vicious cycle.  They always think they can find a better looking woman and they find it hard to stay focused on the first one.  This can happen with women doing the same with men too, but I think it's more common with the men who want to find a woman.  They always are looking for the younger and the hotter--especially if they have money and are good looking.


I am glad I met my husband through friends.  I would not want to be in the dating world right bow.  Social media has almost ruined it as far as chivalry and taking time to cultivate a relationship with someone.   


Years ago, you met someone, you gave it a chance and you worked at the relationship.  You didnt have to worry about the "next best thing" waiting in your e'mail in box


Good luck to O/P.!!

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: Anyone have luck with online dating sites??

@qvc chick



This thread might be helpful for you. 

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