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Re: Anyone else get a little down

Yes, it is a bit of a let down but that is why we try to plan a trip in January so we have something to look forward to.  Plus getting away from the winter weather for awhile helps.





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Re: Anyone else get a little down

Yes!!! Thank goodness for my Luminara candles...everything is down..bit the candles keep me happy

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Re: Anyone else get a little down

No, I like this time of year. The house is cozy, the neighborhood deserted and quiet. Then when it snows everyone is out clearing sidewalks and sledding. Coming inside afterward for cocoa and buttered toast by the fire. I like watching the Cardinals at my bird feeders and the little snowbirds. It's all good.

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Re: Anyone else get a little down

Of course.  Everything is so bright and shiny and fun and loving for a month.  Great food, gifts, socializing.  Everyone gets along...mostly.  It's a wonderful time of the year and then, it's gone and it's back to reality.  Hubby took all the Christmas stuff down this afternoon and took it over to our storage locker.  We usually wait until 1/6 but he didn't want to do it on weekend when everyone would be doing the same thing.  The house looks so drab now, even with my laterns and candles still in place.  

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Re: Anyone else get a little down

When you live alone you are depressed alot.

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Re: Anyone else get a little down

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

No not down from that.  What does get me down is the weather.  Dark, dreary days.  That's what gets me down.


I just purchased a light box to see if it helps lift my mood and energy level. 


I've thought about it for a few years now.  I've almost bought one all last year and didn't.  I've over-researched it.  But I finally bought it.  It sure is bright.


I know other's who swear by it.  My problem is I loose interest quickly.  Hopefully, I'll follow through on this thing.



I am just like you. I am always so relieved when the holidays are over, but, what gets me down in the dumps quickly is dull, dreary weather. I HATE winter - not the cold so much ---- just the gray, blah days. I live in the country, so I really feel like I am shut off from the world on such days. 

Deep In The Heart of Texas
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Re: Anyone else get a little down

Unlike many, I don't mind winter. In fact, I like winter, but have had enough rain and grey skies over the past year to last for several lifetimes... As for the end of the holidays, it's like an engine that's been in high gear for the past several weeks now being in low gear... We get used to it, but it takes a little while...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: Anyone else get a little down

I do naturally.  I would think I'm somewhat light sensitive because it's always been this way.


On the 31st, we also lost our youngest son who was intuitive like I am.


I can feel my spirits go low at the end of the month.  It was just before he turned 20.

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Re: Anyone else get a little down

I'm good with the quiet and have outlets if I'm needing a people fix. Cold weather bothers me more than the holiday season being over. What makes me blue is people I care about going through sad times or struggling with relationships. A lot of that going around. 

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Re: Anyone else get a little down

I can understand the feeling, but I am relieved when the hustle and bustle is over.  I guess it's because I remove myself from the situation.  I fly to the hustle bustle and leave when it's over.  I know the family feels it when I leave.  For me, I'm over it and ready to move onto the new year.