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I agree with everyone here. What a wonderful thing you did for your family. Life happens, and it was a blessing they had you to help them


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@RetRN wrote:

Good grief, how irresponsible are young people nowadays? Can't imagine having to move in with older relatives as adults with a child. So happy that money management was stressed and taught to us as children along with the importance of getting an education so that we could provide for and take care of ourselves. 


Honestly,  neither of them was all that young.   It's what happens when they drift through their twenties living life with not much thought to the future.  And then you have a child and then you lose your apartment and the bottom falls out. 

 The reality is no one can teach anyone anyone anything if they don't want to accept the lessons.  Would have been a different story if it hF been just them but there was a young child in the mix.  Of course we were going to give her a home. My friend had to take her now 70simething year old mother in after she made some bad financial decisions and squandered her credit rating and her savings.    



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Re: Alone at last

[ Edited ]

I grew up living with extended family. I lived with grandparents, aunts and uncles. I didn't see anything wrong with that living situation. Those who couldn't help with money would help with housework, running errands, etc.

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CONGRATULATIONS to ALL of you!!!! How WONDERFUL of you to have extended such a blessing for as long as you did!👍👍 I am certain they appreciate your goodwill and personal sacrifice. 😊 Hopefully, they will make you proud.🤞🤞


Enjoy your newfound freedom.😁



~~~All we need is LOVE💖

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@chrystaltree.  Enjoy your new found freedom but what happens when the newly-signed bargain lease expires?  Hopefully they won't return to their old spending habits.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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It used to be the norm for extended family to live together and still is in much of Europe. I totally understand it, especially with housing costs in some areas.
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That was very kind of you to let them stay for 7 years. Didn't they work full time? They must have had a huge amount of debt to pay off. Also, if you are struggling to live life why bring children into the mix but that ship has sailed. Hopefully, they will be able to remain on their own but I agree with @Kachina624 what happens when the one year lease runs out. The rent could double. It would have been nice if they could have purchased a home with a stable mortgage. The rates would have been low but now mortgage rates are 7 1/2 to 8 percent. 


It seems like they are in a no win situation. Someone may need to work more than 1 job to get by. Inflation has hurt everyone and I don't see prices going down anytime soon.

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Sounds like @chrystaltree 's family members were able to get a rent controlled unit. The state gives tax incentives to make affordable housing available. It's not affordable for just 1 year and then the rent goes to what everyone else pays. It's affordable long term.

At least that's how it works here.

What if those asking "what if" lost a job, got sick, had an unexpected death of a breadwinner, got a divorce, got ripped off in a fake investor scheme? Anything can happen to ANYONE at anytime. You deal with it then.

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You and your grand niece will have a bond that you wouldn't have had if they weren't living there.  Smiley Happy


My niece has moved out of her apartment and in with my 80 year old mom.  Mom babysat her and picked her up from school for years, so they have a close relationship.

Their new arrangement is beneficial to both of them.  She can save money to pay for a new car that's badly needed and mom has nightly company if she needs help.  My dad passed last month and fortunately my niece already had plans to come live there, so it worked out just in time.


Family helping family is a blessing.



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Registered: ‎10-01-2013

Re: Alone at last

[ Edited ]

@Lakelife62 wrote:

@RetRN wrote:

Good grief, how irresponsible are young people nowadays? Can't imagine having to move in with older relatives as adults with a child. So happy that money management was stressed and taught to us as children along with the importance of getting an education so that we could provide for and take care of ourselves. 

And look how you turned out.

I am extremely proud of the way I turned out leading a very happy and fulfilled life with many great friends and a great familly. Our family will continue to teach responsibility and a good work ethic to the children. Just thankful I didn't turn out to be a cruel  and thoughtless person like you.