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Re: A little "concerning" (delivery people) -

My other bad delivery experience was from Vitacost which normally has very quick shipping and delivery and no errors, etc.  I had ordered oils, vinegars, etc. for gifts.  The day I expected the package I happend to be by the front window and went to the door since I was hoping the person would just set the box inside my door since I knew it would be quite heavy.  I stepped onto my porch as he approached and before I could ask he set the box down and practically ran to his vehicle.  Then I noticed the box was soaking wet all across the bottom and up the sides and it was leaking onto my outside porch.  I couldn't take it in the house like that so I had to open it and take each wrapped bottle into my garage to the sink to gently unwrap them to see what was leaking.  Turned out to be two of the bottles--badly broken.  That delivery person definitely would have known the box was leaking and he should not have delivered it that way.  Made a huge mess.   I called Vitacost and they said "sorry" and sent replacements.  I felt since I explained the huge mess and the inconvenience they should have at least given me a discount or something.   I will still shop with them though as normally their service is exceptional.

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Re: A little "concerning" (delivery people) -

I know that Amazon packages are being delivered in our neighborhood by people in plain white trucks.


Also, our Blue Apron and Hello Fresh packages are delivered by people in their own vehicles.

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Re: A little "concerning" (delivery people) -

Sounds like you're the gated community   Amazon hires independant drivers who use their own vehicles and they don't wear uniforms and they don't drive luxury cars.  You see them more often during this time of the year.  I live in a condo complex and it's not at all unusual to see what you saw.  Sometimes the drivers get out of the trucks, without the packages,  just to see where the buildings are located and I assume how far apart deliveries are.  Then they go back and get the packages, which can be bulky or heavy.  I'm not sure what you filed a repor with the police for....since there was nothing to report and especially since your own security, that you pay for, didn't see anything suspicious and let them in.  

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Registered: ‎05-10-2010

Re: A little "concerning" (delivery people) -

@drizzellla wrote:

I know that Amazon packages are being delivered in our neighborhood by people in plain white trucks.


Also, our Blue Apron and Hello Fresh packages are delivered by people in their own vehicles.


      Also a lot of small, local businesses that offer delivery use independent contractors who driver the own cars.  It's not unusual at all.    

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-28-2015

Re: A little "concerning" (delivery people) -

Our local news informed people that UPS was using rental trucks for deliveries because people were calling the Police so much...

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Re: A little "concerning" (delivery people) -

@homedecor1 wrote:

I'm just posting because of the very "wierd" delivery experience I encountered today mainly because I live in a "gated" community.


I ordered a few online gifts expected delivery 12/15.  I was home today working in my kitchen so I looked out & saw this "beat up, white panel truck" (and I'm not exaggerating).  The driver was inside.


There are many empty houses, elderly people & for sale on my street.  So it was strange I decided to check it out.


I open front door & no packages BUT I look over and there is this "ratty & kinda dishelved looking guy" (I'm trying to be kind🙄😳) walking over to my neighbors house on the grass.  No package in his hands, etc. just struck me strange!


I asked him "what # house are you looking for?" He looks at me & said "oh I work for Amazon delivery services"....yea right!  Then his buddy pulled up & signaled him to get in truck.  I wrote the license # down (out of state) came in and called sheriff.  We aren't suppose to call our "security" - why have them? 🙄 Anyway I filed a report.  I did call our head of security to report because they opened the gate obviously to give them access.


Just thought I'd share.  It's that time of the year - they hire (if that's true in my case) anybody!  


My guess was that he was an Amazon delivery person. Amazon uses their own service, in larger cities, to deliver packages. When I lived in the city my Amazon packages were delivered by a guy that drove a jeep. Don't jump to so many conclusions gang! Read about Amazon's own delivery service. 

"Pure Michigan"
Posts: 55
Registered: ‎06-16-2010

Re: A little "concerning" (delivery people) -

Not only for Holiday time, Amazon hires delivery drivers all year long. They deliver on Sunday as well as every other day. Sometimes they arrive in beat-up cars, I've even seen a delivery driver arrive in a new red Mercedes. I guess that's the only type allowed in your "gated community". You probably prevented nothing more than someone who wanted SAME DAY DELIVERY getting their Amazon goodies.

Super Contributor
Posts: 414
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: A little "concerning" (delivery people) -

Commercials have been running here (NoCa) for drivers to deliver for Amazon.  They say all you need is a car and a smart phone.  Pay is $20-$29 a hour.

Super Contributor
Posts: 414
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: A little "concerning" (delivery people) -

Once a large Ryder truck was backing up my driveway and my husband asked me what had I ordered.  The driver exited the cab, pushed up the large door in the back and pulled out a rather small package.  It turned out to be a purse I'd ordered from Macys.

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Re: A little "concerning" (delivery people) -

See somethig,say something.