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@crawford5153 I have mobility issues as well. Some days I walk better than others. Some days walking is painful. I am always on a walker and sometimes a mobility scooter. I go with the flow. On days I feel more mobile, I go outside, take a short walk, sit on the porch, and enjoy what Mother Nature provides.


On days when I am less mobile, I check this site often. I play lots of games from the App Store. I read and research any current events that intrigue me. I am an avid watcher of Young and the Restless. I record it and watch in late afternoon when boredom often sets in. My most difficult time slot is 3:00 pm-5:00 pm.


 I never watch cable news. Any of those channels are ratings based and only cause me stress. If threatening weather is approaching I do watch local news and weather. I search for programs I might enjoy and record them to watch in the late afternoon or evening. QVC is a good daytime companion. The hosts look at the camera and are speaking directly to you. That is somehow comforting.


I have found having a schedule helps. I get up every morning at the same time. I have Starbucks close by so my latte is my breakfast. I use my "fresh" brain to sort mail, make important calls, order groceries, etc. When business is done, I prepare a substantial lunch. It is my largest meal. I am often too fatigued to make an evening dinner like I did when my husband was still working.


I hope you find activities you enjoy to fill your days and give you a sense of accomplishment. Some on here crochet, knit, and quilt. I do not know how to do that. If you do, making something unusual could be fun. My grandmother crocheted pearl rings for everyone and made handbags.




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Re: 24/7 at home

[ Edited ]

A boring day at home is so much better than any day in the office. I go to the gym 4-5 days a week, work on my latch hook rug, Watch TV, nap, play with the kitties, tidy up, cook, surf the internet, jigsaw puzzles, play iPad games. Once the weather cools down hubby and I will sit by the fire pit and drink wine and have some snacks. Plus all the normal stuff like laundry. I haven't worked for 9 years (got laid off and never went back to work) and I'm never bored. I like being home even if I'm doing nothing. 

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How about a puzzle?


I never really did them, except w/ the learning ones w/ my kids....but was recently gifted one beautiful puzzle.


I'm not retired so it took me a long time to finish it...but it was fun and enjoyable and didn't require mobility...just a table.


I also enjoy Scrabble on my kindle...I play against the computer.

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If your town has a senior center they may have bus that could pick you up and take you there to mingle with people and join in their activities.  In my area there are volunteers who will use their own vehicles to pick people up so that might be an option too if someone lives near you.  I know in my area there are also programs for people like you and lots of volunteers who are willing to help you to get out and mingle.  Hope you can reach out to your town and connect with someone.  

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When I was working I used to hire people to do things for me such as yard and house maintenance. But now that I am retired I can no longer afford to do most of that. 


When I retired I decided to learn some basic house maintenance things and since I live alone that was necessary for me to do. For the last week or so I have been busy winterizing my house for the coming months. I have inspected, replaced parts/filters for my furnace. I learned how to do that on my own but I still have a pro come and check it out for me for safety reasons. 


Next big thing is the yard and all the leaves. I do that now myself, too. 

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@LTT1 I'm a loner stay at home type of person too, so I relate. 

I used to feel funny about it because of the people around me but now I know that that's just me and my personality.  Nothing wrong with that! 


When I'm home I never get bored, there's always something to keep me busy, hanging out with my dog/husband, home improvements/maintenance never ends (I see you @Sugipine haha and your home maintenance), researching different things I'm interested in on the computer, working out, cooking, cleaning. 


Not having your mobility does limit you though....are you interested in improving your diet, increasing your longevity, etc? I've recently started really getting into watching youtube videos on these topics and there are so many to keep you busy and so many different topics to look up.

Smiley Happy

"We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals" -Immanuel Kant

"Once you have had a wonderful Dog, a life without one, is a life diminished"-Dean Koontz
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Re: 24/7 at home

[ Edited ]

@spumoni99 wrote:

Between watching my grandson for 2 to 3 hours then cooking dinner and dinner clean up I have enough to keep busy.  I do like to read though.  Do you enjoy reading?


I'm sorry your confined to a scooter that would make it much harder, is that permanent or can anything be done to alleviate that?

I cannot have hip or knee(both of them) because I have health conditions and was told I many not survive the surgery.  So yes it is permanent.


I also enjoy reading.


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I am 70 and I live 22 miles from the nearest senior center.

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I understand being bored.  I tend to be a bit hyper so I can get bored easily.  I’m trying to think of things that don’t require a lot of mobility. 


I can get lost in genealogy, spending hours tracing lines.  I worked on it every winter when I couldn’t get outdoors. 


You might enjoy finding some You Tube videos of exercises you can do while sitting.  I have a friend with mobility issues, and she found a sitting yoga class that she enjoyed. 


If you’re able to see birds from your windows you could buy a bird book and keep a log of what you see each day.  You can go further and study each species. 


Perhaps learn a craft/skill from watching You Tube videos, something like calligraphy.  You could practice by sending notes to friends. 


Maybe keep a daily journal in which you list three things each day for which you’re grateful.  I know this wouldn’t take much time, but it would bring a little structure to the day. 


Of course, there are always puzzles.  You could tackle a little bit each day. 


I used to have a coloring book which I enjoyed.  Some of them are quite intricate. 


Just some thoughts off the top of my head. 

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Posts: 2,327
Registered: ‎04-02-2015

@RespectLife wrote:



How about a puzzle?


I never really did them, except w/ the learning ones w/ my kids....but was recently gifted one beautiful puzzle.


I'm not retired so it took me a long time to finish it...but it was fun and enjoyable and didn't require mobility...just a table.


I also enjoy Scrabble on my kindle...I play against the computer.

I too love puzzles, always have one up in the basement on a long table. Sonetimes it's months before it's done. It's great when I have a washing going. I have a tv there so if something is going on Iturn it on.I have mobility problems also and sold my car 2 months ago. I love sports all kinds, so I have never in my life been bored.I taught school, then worked in Respitory Theraot till I retired. Been working since I was 14, so just doing whatever  is my reward. I will be 90 in 5 months. do what makes you happy.