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How do you ladies who are no longer working and at home 24/7 spend your days?


I get so bored anymore and find it difficult to pass the time.  There is only so much I can do as I depend on an electric scooter to get around since I cannot walk. 


Never thought I would ever feel this way.

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Re: 24/7 at home

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Between watching my grandson for 2 to 3 hours then cooking dinner and dinner clean up I have enough to keep busy.  I do like to read though.  Do you enjoy reading?


I'm sorry your confined to a scooter that would make it much harder, is that permanent or can anything be done to alleviate that?

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Re: 24/7 at home

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@crawford5153 wrote:

How do you ladies who are no longer working and at home 24/7 spend your days?


I get so bored anymore and find it difficult to pass the time.  There is only so much I can do as I depend on an electric scooter to get around since I cannot walk. 


Never thought I would ever feel this way.

@crawford5153 I have been retired 8 years and haven't been bored at all!  I can take time for my devotions, read a book, practice my calligaphy, play music, play the piano, clean house, wash clothes, listen to a book, watch one or two tv shows a day (tv is OFF 90 percent of the time), go to bed later, read cookbooks and cook something new, change clothes and make my closet look better.

Shop on line, look up things to learn, listen to the great courses while I clean, wear my jammies until noon a few days, do pickup orders for groceries, clean out and discard and donate things, get out different dishes to use, buy tea, make tea, make espresso, iced lattes, read about tea, sort through photos, go for a walk or a drive, sit on the deck, move furniture around, pay bills, go to the bank or post office, etc.


No reason for me to be bored at all.  And I must confess I live with my best date, best friend, and best man I ever met, so that is a blessing beyond anything in my life.  

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Re: 24/7 at home

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Some people are homebodies.  My neighbor, a younger woman, works at home and rarely goes out - twice a week would be a lot.


There's not much need to go out anymore: work remotely, get your groceries and meals delivered, and video games for social interaction.  It's not my style.

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@crawford5153 A hobby of some kind that you truly enjoy is a necessity, IMO.  I love to knit and do so for 2 local churches.  Read, surf the net and read 2 newspapers online. 


Don't know how old you are but is there a senior center nearby?  One of the churches I knit for offers many classes and activites for those over 60.  


Can't say I'm ever bored.  I've just gotten very lazy since the pandemic and have become very used to staying home.


Good luck!


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I was a latch-key kid, spent lots of summers home with the cat and dog, parakeet and horses!  We had a very quiet life and enjoyed every minute of it.  


I had a very frantic, wonderful and ever-busy working 50 year college and grown-up life, so this quiet time is a blessing to me!  

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I'm worried about retiring and what I will do. I plan on taking college classess, volunteering. Not sure what else yet.


Sending positive thoughts and hugs to you!

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I'm sorry you are confined!


I am a homebody loner type. My interest is Psychology. Also medicine/now ufo's/lichen autoimmune disease/fashion/de-cluttering


Recently, I joined meetup which is a world-wide free organization. They also have meetings in person. 
Because of meetup, I now have access to a licensed therapist. She made me feel a lot better about myself as a stay-at-home type and loner. 

So my recent endeavor is to take a look inward at what I need to heal for my self esteem! Having sn interest of this nature requires some study through reading and YouTube learning.


These are just a few things I do that keeps me busy!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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I was blessed to be able to retire young and I've never been bored.  I do feel for you not being able to get out to walk as I do that often.  I like to spend time on my computer, read, watch a bit of TV, QVC and HSN are usually on during the day and evenings are for watching series and movies with DH.    I like to cook and I usually prepare early, chopping veggies and things like that.   And then there is always laundry and general domestic duties.  Like today I was cleaning the bathrooms (it's not all glamorous, LOL).

I do love being home though.


I wish you well.   

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Registered: ‎05-01-2020

Re: 24/7 at home

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A few ideas:

genealogy (there are free or low-cost sites)

write your personal history (look up daily prompts)

find a group that sends cards/letters to vets/military

make phone calls to people who need some attention

write poetry or short stories and share them to brighten someone's day

learn to play an instrument (check youtube for how to's)

join or create an online bookclub

expand your knowledge base on various subjects