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Please don't get hooked on Afrin. I did and it was terrible. It's bad for your nasal passages. I got to where I could not breath without a few sprays. That's when I started going to an ENT. He gave me Qnasl. It works but the nasal wash does too. I rarely use Qnasl anymore.
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@goldensrbest  There are some good suggestions from folks here.  Wondering if scents might be an irritant such as fragranced laundry soaps on your bed linens.  Or maybe scented beauty products you only use at night such as face creams?  Just a thought.  Hope you can find the cause and a solution.  Not a great way to start your day with a headache every day.  

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@LdyBugz wrote:

@goldensrbest  There are some good suggestions from folks here.  Wondering if scents might be an irritant such as fragranced laundry soaps on your bed linens.  Or maybe scented beauty products you only use at night such as face creams?  Just a thought.  Hope you can find the cause and a solution.  Not a great way to start your day with a headache every day.  

Excellent suggestion!  I only use scent free products whether laundry, lotions, soaps, etc.

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@LTT1 wrote:

@goldensrbest @CAcableGirl2 @geezerette @SilleeMee @LindaSal 


Forgot to add: weather fronts also bring them on for me.


         Me too!!!  As soon as there is a dark sky, coldish, windy, rainy weather event...I start feeling the pain. When  I was working, my secretary used to call it my 'temperture head'!!  Smiley Happy  I use a saline nasal spray by Arm and Hammer.


       PS - Wanted to add...I didn't know.  I have some  hypertension issues and my cardio told me -- 'never take any decongestant that  had D in name' !! Really raises blood pressure!


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Chronic morning headaches that began seemingly out of nowhere can be a sign of something more serious.  If they don't improve quickly with the various tips suggested on this thread, consider consulting a neurologist.

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@Icegoddess wrote:

All of the above headache causes for me.  It seems anything that CAN cause a headache is a trigger for me.  It's really the only health problem I have.  I never had problems of any kind with my period, but when I got older I suddenly started getting menstrual migraines.  The first one was the worst. I couldn't even move without getting nauseous. And then they discontinued my favorite medicince for it, Darvocet.  It was the only thing that didn't just make me sleepy. 


Now, I just get headaches in varying degrees.  I can usually tell when it's going to be a migraine beforehand because I will very suddenly get very tired and almost unable to keep my eyes open.  However, I'm never really quite sure how long before the headache will set in.  Usually it is several hours which is why it took me so long to make the connection.  


Weather fronts is another interesting one.  In extreme cases, like when we hav tornadoes, my eyesight will also get fuzzy.  


I almost always wake up with a headache the day after working in the yard and that could be dehydration, allergies, or maybe both.  I always have nasal issues when working in the yard. I hate waking up with a headache.  It's not a good start to the day.



If I may jump in, it looks like a main trigger for you is the barometric pressure.  You might track it on a calendar and see if a rise on the barometer brings on a headache.

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@On ItI only use unscented products, too.  Otherwise I get a headache, feel like I'm suffocating, and then an asthma attack kicks in.  Some products are worse than others.  I can't even go into a Yankee candle shop.  ☹

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@ECBG wrote:

@Icegoddess wrote:

All of the above headache causes for me.  It seems anything that CAN cause a headache is a trigger for me.  It's really the only health problem I have.  I never had problems of any kind with my period, but when I got older I suddenly started getting menstrual migraines.  The first one was the worst. I couldn't even move without getting nauseous. And then they discontinued my favorite medicince for it, Darvocet.  It was the only thing that didn't just make me sleepy. 


Now, I just get headaches in varying degrees.  I can usually tell when it's going to be a migraine beforehand because I will very suddenly get very tired and almost unable to keep my eyes open.  However, I'm never really quite sure how long before the headache will set in.  Usually it is several hours which is why it took me so long to make the connection.  


Weather fronts is another interesting one.  In extreme cases, like when we hav tornadoes, my eyesight will also get fuzzy.  


I almost always wake up with a headache the day after working in the yard and that could be dehydration, allergies, or maybe both.  I always have nasal issues when working in the yard. I hate waking up with a headache.  It's not a good start to the day.



If I may jump in, it looks like a main trigger for you is the barometric pressure.  You might track it on a calendar and see if a rise on the barometer brings on a headache.

@ECBG actually, it's the drop in barometric pressure which is what happens leading up to a cold front. Sounds counter-intuitive doesn't it?  But, yes, some of my headaches are caused by that, and a lot of them are also caused by allergies.  But, basically, if a headache is a possible side effect of something it seems it will affect me the older I get.

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Do you drink coffee during the day? I drink only about 1-2 cups in the morning but I attribute morning headaches to mild caffeine withdrawal. After I have my morning coffee they go away.

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I used to be awakened in the night and/or wake up with a headache...sometimes it was sinus issues but I changed pillows and it has cut way down on my headaches.