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Posts: 15
Registered: ‎06-10-2013
Years ago I joined our local Weight Watchers meetings etc... I had wonderful success & lost 25 pounds very easily. A lot has chsnged since then, I work full time, my daughter needs help in the evenings with her homework etc.... My question is, is the WW online judge as "successful" as attending the meetings?? I have got to go something. Seems like I am gaining everyday.
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Not a cool thing to do in this forum to post in multiple forums, you'll get whipped with a wet noodle.....but I responded to you in the Beauty forum posting.

Hope that helps.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 15
Registered: ‎06-10-2013
I actually thought this one didn't post?!? Really, people are THAT shallow???
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For me the answer would be no. I am a lifetime member but I attended meetings every single week for as long as it took me to lose what I needed to lose. I need the accountability of weighing in front of someone and having other people around me at the meetings ask me how I did.

However, everyone is different and you may be successful with the on-line program.

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I attend the weekly meetings. I have to be weighed each week, plus so much is gained from the other members, and most leaders. I have never tried the online, and don't plan to.
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On 1/4/2014 Tissyanne said: I attend the weekly meetings. I have to be weighed each week, plus so much is gained from the other members, and most leaders. I have never tried the online, and don't plan to.

I'd have to agree with this one. But then I adore our "coach/leader". She's great, down to earth, and has been here a long time. You don't feel deserted with her. She's fun and can laugh along with us, and remembers names so well that I'm amazed. She's great.

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Registered: ‎03-27-2010
This. Is such a personal preference. If time is an issue maybe online is your better choice. Years ago I tried weight watchers many times both online and meetings. It was not the right program for me, but many people love it and are successful. I am a fruit and veggie girl and I know what is best for me. Sunday I'm starting a 21 raw food. day challenge online for free. I like eating this way so not so much of a challenge, but I enjoy the commeraderie. Best of luck to you!
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Registered: ‎06-19-2010
I swear by the meetings. As long as I was faithful to my meetings, I did great. This summer when my stress level was high, I stopped going to meetings it was like stopping my lifeline of support at a time when I was the weakest. No accountability online. Also, their scales are more accurate than mine.
“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)