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Re: Two Weeks Now of Veganism

On 5/16/2014 Harpa said:

I'm really glad that this new way of eating helps you feel better! The only caution I would add is to maintain healthy fats; i.e., EVOO, because there have been too many studies concerning them. There is no way I could or would give up that. I don't see how that would interfere w/ a vegan diet.

It is always inspiring when people take control of their health!

When I flipped over to vegan, I continued to use EVOO...and halted weight loss. I ended up as a fat vegan. Once I removed all the processed foods from my diet, oil being one of the worst, I continued to lose weight. 1 teeny, tiny small tablespoon, is 120 calories & 14 grams of fat!! Seriously...who can use only 1 tablespoon? Oil really doesn't add any flavor...there are so many more tasty alternatives! If you want olive olives! Sweet, a little bit of natural salt....yum!! I strongly encourage you to view "Fork Over Knives", as the OP'll change your mind about processed foods...and processed oil in particular. Happy Health!!

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Re: Two Weeks Now of Veganism

This is is inspiring!!! I used to be full Vegan (I have not had red meat in over 20 years)

But when I started working out with weights to try and firm up some, I could not get results to save my life until I added in a Vegan Protein shake (a couple per day) and at least a couple egg whites per day (Organic Eggs...I know, I's still eggs) I also use Coconut Oil to get in some fats.

I would love to go Raw Vegan but, I know that is harder to do and still keep a social life.

Thanks for sharing this - it's inspiring to a lot of us Smiley Happy Keep up the good work!

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Re: Two Weeks Now of Veganism

To answer all of the questions so far:

I have not seen too much of a drop in my food bill because my husband is still a full blown carnivore; no kidding he eats only meat and starch. So essentially I cook two different meals and I've always done that. Even if I ate meat I always wanted veggies in it or with it. So I was making 2 different meat loaves, 2 different crab cakes, you get the idea.

As far as using olive oil, I was a die hard olive oil user and swore by it; however, when you watch "Forks over Knives" they address that too. It seems that after ingesting olive oil the blood vessels have trouble relaxing as much as they should. Also, all oils seem to be linked with stimulating cancer to grow. Olive, canola, vegetable, etc. it doesn't seem to matter, it pretty much wipes out the antioxidants you're trying to take in with eating veggies.

The Mediterranian Diet it would seem is somewhat of a misnomer. If you go to the following link, you'll see dietician Jeff Novick's 10 minute talk on just what that diet really means, not what the Food Network made it mean.

The past two week I've really read and listened to a lot about the vegan diet, mostly from Dr's. McDougall, Esselstyn and Campbell; I've also watched a lot of videos on YouTube from Jeff Novick. It's really an eye opening experience when you see how a lot of the most common ideas about what's healthy get shattered. The olive oil one is a must to see.

Also, thanks for all the kind and inspiring words from all of you. I'll keep you posted as I discover new things. Take care everyone.

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Re: Two Weeks Now of Veganism

On 5/16/2014 Scorpios said:

To answer all of the questions so far:

I have not seen too much of a drop in my food bill because my husband is still a full blown carnivore; no kidding he eats only meat and starch. So essentially I cook two different meals and I've always done that. Even if I ate meat I always wanted veggies in it or with it. So I was making 2 different meat loaves, 2 different crab cakes, you get the idea.

As far as using olive oil, I was a die hard olive oil user and swore by it; however, when you watch "Forks over Knives" they address that too. It seems that after ingesting olive oil the blood vessels have trouble relaxing as much as they should. Also, all oils seem to be linked with stimulating cancer to grow. Olive, canola, vegetable, etc. it doesn't seem to matter, it pretty much wipes out the antioxidants you're trying to take in with eating veggies.

The Mediterranian Diet it would seem is somewhat of a misnomer. If you go to the following link, you'll see dietician Jeff Novick's 10 minute talk on just what that diet really means, not what the Food Network made it mean.

The past two week I've really read and listened to a lot about the vegan diet, mostly from Dr's. McDougall, Esselstyn and Campbell; I've also watched a lot of videos on YouTube from Jeff Novick. It's really an eye opening experience when you see how a lot of the most common ideas about what's healthy get shattered. The olive oil one is a must to see.

Also, thanks for all the kind and inspiring words from all of you. I'll keep you posted as I discover new things. Take care everyone.

Scorpios, thanks for the doctors' names you posted. I am re-educating myself...(the story of my life). At least reading/listening to their perspectives.

It does get rather confusing when you have a group of doctors advocating one thing and another group preaching the total opposite!

But I think after all is said and done, I'll end up going by way of all things in moderation and receiving all with thanksgiving.

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Re: Two Weeks Now of Veganism

On 5/16/2014 Pie1993 said:

I do not know what I am. I drink at least one kale and fruit smoothie a day and either frozen (rarely) or fresh (almost daily) vegetables. I do use EEVO, and today, I had 2 eggs w/spinach for breakfast - which is rare. I do have more energy but I should get more guidance. I feel like I need an egg every now and then. I do not miss the meat. When I go out to eat I always order fish. NOW when my son visits, I will prepare meat, foods with cheese, ect.

Huh? You eat animal proteins. I suppose that means you follow an average diet, leaning toward low fat but that depends on how you prepare the eggs and fish that you eat. It also depends on what you put in/on the veggies and grains that you heat and how you prepare them.

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Re: Two Weeks Now of Veganism

My daughter is diabetic,she has been vegan for one year,she looks better than she has in a long long time.
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Re: Two Weeks Now of Veganism

On 5/16/2014 olewoman said: My daughter is diabetic,she has been vegan for one year,she looks better than she has in a long long time.

That's great. Tell her I said good luck and keep going. I can't wait to see what I'm going to look and feel like at the one year mark. I wish her all the best.

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Re: Two Weeks Now of Veganism

Scorpios it sounds like your healthy eating plan is working very well for you. That's wonderful that your aches and pains are gone! I wish you continued success!

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Re: Two Weeks Now of Veganism

I wanted to go full vegan, but I just couldn't get in the amount of daily protein I needed. I hated to see the flabby muscles start to take hold. No amount of weight lifting can help a body muscle that is not getting adequate protein. I'm not sure vegetable protein and powered protein can take the place of animal protein for muscle maintenance and growth. So I do include some animal protein in my diet.

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Re: Two Weeks Now of Veganism

Bob Harper has a great book out called 'skinny meals' - over 300 hundred in fact under 325 calories. He's not vegan but professes no sweet starches after lunch, tons of veggies, avacoados, more egg whites w/one reg egg. Great easy recipes, easy plan to follow for better eating, losing weight, feeling better. Hubby & I are loving the recipes. Bought this book on amazon, saw him awhile back on the Today show, decided to try it. His book sits on our kitchen counter and refer to it daily. Not too many changes to make either at least for us.