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Talking label wands for the blind

Just discovered that these exist and wondered if anyone has any experience with them. I came across one brand--Reizen (I'm sure there are others), and would like to know how well they work. In particular, would like to know if the recordings are clear and easy to understand, and if the labels can be removed from items, cans for examples, and placed onto new items. My mom is legally blind and this would be a great help to her when I'm not around. Thanks for any help with this.

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Re: Talking label wands for the blind

Quality, I would call Lighthouse for the Blind-they probably have a website too. My guess is that it probably uses the same technology that I have on my Kindle HD Fire: it can read to you and it's clear and easy to understand.  It doesn't have the voice intonation that a professional reader has, but it is understandable.


Another resource that may be worth your time is The Council on Aging.


There are so many causes of blindness-you can almost bank on it that there is a "go to" organization that may offer valuable information about technology that assists in activities of daily living.  For example, if your mother lost her vision due to macular degeneration, there is probably an organization for that....and I bet if you Google "advocacy for the Blind" it will turn up resources.


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Re: Talking label wands for the blind

Bada Bing: I hit a treasure trove of all kinds of information for you: put the words "assistive technology for the Blind" and you will find a treasure trove of reliable resources.


Let me know...I had a friend whose child went blind due to a slow growing brain tumor.  Sheila was able to procure every resource you can think of for Sally: it's easier to do that for children than adults....


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Re: Talking label wands for the blind

Both my parents became legally blind.   Every state has a commission for the blind with information on products and services available.   Albuquerque even has a "blind"  store where products can be tried and are sold.   One of their services are free taped books and the loan of a player for listening. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Talking label wands for the blind

Thanks, Poodlepet2 and Kachina624, for your advice. I've done a lot of research on the Internet, as well as calling the company that makes one of the wands I'm interested in. Although devices such as these can be very helpful, the cost is higher than I'd like. Since I can't seem to find that many reviews on the two brands I'm considering, I think I'll hold off on getting either. Don't want to spend that amount of money until a lot more positive reviews are out there.

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Re: Talking label wands for the blind

If your mom has a smartphone you may want to look into apps for the blind that are available at the Google store and the online Apple app store. There are several that will read aloud information provided through the little QR code squares beneath the barcodes on cans and packages. Identifying the product and even providing preparation instructions.


There are also a wide variety of labeling devices available through local councils for the blind as well as web sites like Maxi-Aids. For instance small magnets you can place on cans. Using a braille label maker you can create labels to stick on the magnets. You can also create braille labels for other things in the kitchen like spices.


If it's clothing your mother needs identified you can buy special raised markers or special raised paint that you can use to paint inconspicuous dots on clothing labels to identify it by color.