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Re: @SilleeMee and anyone else who has tried Evenity



I'm not thrilled with the choices either.  


But I am positive that doing nothing is NOT an option.  

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Re: @SilleeMee and anyone else who has tried Evenity

After I'm done with Evenity, I am going to get Prolia injections. There will be two of those given 6 months apart and then I will get another DEXA scan to see where I'm at. If my T-scores look acceptable then I have a choice with what to do next. Otherwise I will be back to square one with Evenity and start all over again. 


I'm one of those people who cannot tolerate bisphosphonate drugs so it's the injectable biologics for me.

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Re: @SilleeMee and anyone else who has tried Evenity

[ Edited ]

A while back I posted this info which was given to me from my NP who is a bone specialist working at the osteoporosis treatment center here. It's very informative. This is current drug info and what is available to you right now. You might have to enlarge it to read it.


Note that there is only one drug, Evenity, that will build new bone AND slows bone loss at the same time. The only other drugs that can build new bone is shown in the Green section.Those need to be injected DAILY for up to 2 years and they do not slow bone loss. No thanks.


Osteo drugs.JPG

osteo drugs.2.JPG

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Re: @SilleeMee and anyone else who has tried Evenity

Thank you for posting the info SilleeMee, that was very informative.

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Re: @SilleeMee and anyone else who has tried Evenity

You're welcome @quadmimi .

I think it helps clear up some misunderstanding about how some of these kinds of bone density drugs work plus it sheds some light on what's available now compared to what was available years ago.

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Re: @SilleeMee and anyone else who has tried Evenity

SilleeMee, it does. I hope you have significant improvement when you get your Dexa.

It's very helpful to share info on these drugs. thank you

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Re: @SilleeMee and anyone else who has tried Evenity

I haven't posted on the Forums in ages (can't find my very old sign in) but this topic piqued my interest. If anyone on this thread would care to divulge the "rough" numbers of your Dexa scans? I am 69 and was told over 10 years ago that I had the bones of a 90 year old and was rec. to go on Forteo but I declined, for many reasons. Haven't had a scan since. My doc asks me every year and every year I say "what's the point?"

Anyway, I'm really curious as to your numbers compared to mine. Thanks.

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Re: @SilleeMee and anyone else who has tried Evenity

sorry . see, I don't know what I'm doing. Posted in the wrong spot. I'll see if this works.


I haven't posted on the Forums in ages (can't find my very old sign in) but this topic piqued my interest. If anyone on this thread would care to divulge the "rough" numbers of your Dexa scans? I am 69 and was told over 10 years ago that I had the bones of a 90 year old and was rec. to go on Forteo but I declined, for many reasons. Haven't had a scan since. My doc asks me every year and every year I say "what's the point?"

Anyway, I'm really curious as to your numbers compared to mine. Thanks

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Re: @SilleeMee and anyone else who has tried Evenity

[ Edited ]

@FlyAway wrote:

I haven't posted on the Forums in ages (can't find my very old sign in) but this topic piqued my interest. If anyone on this thread would care to divulge the "rough" numbers of your Dexa scans? I am 69 and was told over 10 years ago that I had the bones of a 90 year old and was rec. to go on Forteo but I declined, for many reasons. Haven't had a scan since. My doc asks me every year and every year I say "what's the point?"

Anyway, I'm really curious as to your numbers compared to mine. Thanks.





Both of my femurs were the worst with the lowest T-score of -2.8 (left femur). My FRAX score of hip fracture was 4.2% where greater than 3% is considered high risk. 

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: @SilleeMee and anyone else who has tried Evenity



My DEXA numbers are -2.1 TH , -2.0  FN and -2.4 LS.  However, since I have fractured both a femur and my spine, the doctor informed me that 'clearly the DEXA scan shows a false negative for osteoporosis' and they usually see breaks like mine in women in their mid-80s. 


I understand not wanting to take medication.  I don't either. 


But, in answer to 'what's the point' ... you don't want to end up like me. 


I spent last summer in the hospital and acute care with a broken femur.  Then I spent 7 weeks this spring in a back brace.  I am still walking with a cane. I am also 69 years old and not sure I will ever walk without it.  But I am very thankful that I am not in chronic pain.  And I am seriously motivated to avoid losing another year of quality life.


I read up on the side effects of Forteo .... looks like about 30-45% of the people drop out because of the untolerable side effects.  


I have not seen that Evenity has a high drop-out rate.  I don't know if that's because the people selected to go on it have more severe osteoporosis and are much more motivated to stay on it.  Or, hopefully, the side effects are much more tolerable.    


On a much lighter note, I have lost about 5 lbs in the past year and was quite proud of myself.   Imagine my surprise  last week when my updated chart came back with a BMI of OBESE instead of overweight.  It turns out I had also lost 2 inches of height since my last measurement.  Ugggh.