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Recs for Seasonal Affective Disorder lights?

I've not been diagnosed with this, but I know how I feel in the wintertime when my outside time is limited.  I am active (spin almost daily), but I still feel "blue."


Wondered if anyone has experience/recommendations for using lightbox therapy for SAD?


Thanks in advance.

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Re: Recs for Seasonal Affective Disorder lights?

Yes, my daughter's psychiatrist highly recommended Phillips golite. It is small and portable so you can move around when using it. Can be found on Amazon or Costco online. Usually $139 but can get it on sale for $100.




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Re: Recs for Seasonal Affective Disorder lights?

I forgot to say, my husband does not have SAD but uses the light because he feels it gives him more energy.

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Re: Recs for Seasonal Affective Disorder lights?

Do you hand-spin yarn?  Sounds interesting!

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Re: Recs for Seasonal Affective Disorder lights?

I'd look on amazon.


They are the only other group that over does Q's reviews!

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Re: Recs for Seasonal Affective Disorder lights?

Ott Lights are sold at Joanne Fabrics and online.


In the past they were known as the lights that put out the full spectrum of light and were good for SAD. You'd have to some research to see if this is still true; they used to be very expensive but the prices have come down over the years and Joanne's even offers them at half-price a few times a year.

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Re: Recs for Seasonal Affective Disorder lights?

[ Edited ]




@ValuSkr wrote:

Do you hand-spin yarn?  Sounds interesting!



No, but I wish I was that creative!


Spinning in my case refers to intense exercise on an indoor, stationery bike.  You can burn upwards of 400 calories in a very short period of time.  

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Recs for Seasonal Affective Disorder lights?

I know I have SAD.  I have been using a natural full spectrum daylight lamp from Solarex for the last several years-----it's at  amazon for under $40. It's a desk lamp that I put behind my computer monitor  on my desk. and yes it does help alot altho it is not a quick fix. Could take several months. It must be able to enter your eyes to work properly. I don't mean shine directly in them----like when you are outside in the sun. I sit near it at least 2 hours a day as that is when I am at my computer in the a.m. You can do this as many times a day as you want but it must be for more than just a few minutes. Also saw a "happy" light at Costco for around the same price. Even my stripey cat sits near it too. I live in WA state where grey is the state bird, flower, motto, song----most times of the year. Gets very depressing.