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How many of you use a "day of the week' pill case?   I take 3 prescriptions and a few supplements.    Every Sunday I fill up our respective pill cases so that we make sure not to miss any doses.   My husband doesn't take any prescribed medications but he does take supplements.  


I feel like we are now that "old" couple who need help to remember our meds. LOl!  


It's just so much easier to have them all in one container instead of having to open each bottle one by one everyday.    


I know many people don't believe in supplements but I feel like they help us.   



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I have had a pill case for 30 years.  I have always referred to it as my "old people's" pill case. 


I would never know if I took my sinus pill unless I had that! 

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I fill my pill case once a week also.  Been using it many years.  Just got 2 new prescriptions today.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I use one when I travel but when I'm home, i just throw the days pills into a small bowl. It would probably be easier to use the pill case

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I definitely use one. I may even have to go get a larger one. Some of the prescribed and some supplements need their own case because they are so large.  I could never keep up without one because I take them through out the day. 

Posts: 67
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Yes---and I fill it once each week.    I find it's easier and helps me remember not only when to take the meds, but also a great reminder "IF" I took the meds.

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Re: Pill Cases.

[ Edited ]

I don't use a pill case. No Rx meds but I take nine different supps on specific days. No problem for me to remember when to take them. I have a system which makes it easy for me to do without a pill case.

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I just got one to use on an upcoming trips.  I have one Rx pill, but I take some supplements too.  It occured to me that it was just easier to put them in a single container and pack it that way.

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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My husband and I do not take any meds, but our dogs have pill cases.  


This way we know for sure if the dogs  have taken their meds each day..helps so we don't under or over dose them. We each can tell at a glance if the other has given the meds.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I’ve been using a 7 day pill case for years. There’s only one prescription drug in there, but it helps me keep track of all of my supplements. I find it much easier to fill that case once a week rather than opening all of those individual bottles every day. 

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett