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Give us a food diary of everything you ate, say, in the last couple/3 days...

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She had symptoms for a few months. The doctors were sloppy. The tumor was fast-growing and wrapped around her intestine causing an obstruction.

DBIL rushed her to the ER; she was in excrtiating pain. I think her intestine burst. They did emergency surgery to no avail.

I pushed DBIL to take her to Scott and White in Houston... she was sceduled to be seen the day after this happened. 

A total fiasco.

The oncologist said the lymphoma wasn't a "bad" kind to have. No, just no.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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And... my DBIL is a retired pharmacy rep in our area and knew the doctors and their reputations both professionally and personally.

Our medical care in our city used to be known as the finest.  One had to suppose that the quality has tapered off. 

I think the tumor was originally discovered by CT scan. Wait... then a biopsy, which was not actually accurate because her's mutated so very rapidly. Still, if only she had been more persistent during that first three months. If only...

Sorry for the scary, horrible story. We all know, too, that uterine ca can be "quiet." But there ARE vague symptoms.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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@Reever wrote:
Doctor seemed to think my chronic gurglinh was harmless. Sent me to a GI doc who did a colonoscopy but findings were normal. Very strange I cant help but think the Dr missed something. I was told the gurgling sounds were muscular contractions. Dr. Didnt belueve me when I told him it was a disease. The medical profession today just isnt like it was in the 60s when they listened to you and tried to help you find a cure. Now its like a factory, they rush you in and out.



So, you say "chronic"  ... then this isn't new, but has been happening for many years?   Also in childhood?


Since you have already seen a doctor, I also assume you've done some research on the internet .... Mayo Clinic, etc?


What leads you to believe it is a disease .... and what disease do you think you have?

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oh my gosh, can I relate to that. mom, husband and I have that, though none of us has thought to see a doctor about it. mom's was so loud that it would startle her because she thought someone else was in the room talking to her! lol! I found that funny until it actually happened to me! more lol! hubby gets embarrassed when it happens to him at work. we've tried eliminating some foods we thought to be the culprits, but nope. it still happens. 

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You know what, my dog had the same thing and we started giving him probiotics and it fixed the issue. My vet says that the probiotics usually fixes gurgling issues when they can't find anything else wrong. I know it is a dog but have you tried taking probiotics? I used to have alot of gurgling as well but since I started taking probiotics I too have rarely experienced them anymore.


I would not assume it is a disease especially since they've tested you. I am all for continuing to push doctors if you feel there is something wrong and they aren't doing anything or dismissing you but it sounds like, in this case, they HAVE tested and there isn't anything serious causing the issue. There are just some people that have more gurlgly stomachs. Please don't continue dwelling on the incorrect belief you have a disease-obsessing on something is not good for your health either.

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Re: Intestinal gurgling

[ Edited ]

Google Fodmap Diet. It was recommended to me by my gastro doc.  It's an elimination diet developed by a doctor in Australia.  It's used to treat issues of IBS, gas, bloating, etc.  The premise is that certain Fructans ferment in your gut and cause the reaction you are talking about.  It's a strange diet.  Apples contain lots of Fructans, tangerines do not.  It's an interesting concept.  I started by cutting out artificial sweeteners, wheat and sugar.  Marked improvement within days.  It is not meant as a forever diet.  It is too restrictive.  After a month or so on the diet  you gradually add back foods one at a time and see what happens.  After a year on this program I know I can never have anything with artificial sweetner.  I can have the occasional piece of pizza, or bagel, but on the whote I avoid wheat flour.  Also, certain dairy products & certain raw vegetables don't agree with me and I stay away from them.   I am so happy my doctor suggested this.  Talk to your gastro about it.

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I would be grateful that nothing was found to be wrong.

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Registered: ‎08-23-2010

Maybe the speakers in your tummy need to have their volume adjusted .... lol     Woman LOL

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Registered: ‎12-02-2013

Probiotics:  rather than spend the $20 on " probiotics ", try  using Acidopholus pills for $5.   My doctor recommends them whenever I get an antibiotic for bronchitis or sinus infections.


Just remember to refrigerate upon opening.


Once a need to figure out the different timing of each probiotic pill either.

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Sir Winston Churchill