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That's funny about the dark chocolate. I tried to like dark chocolate since I know that for some people, the very dark chocolate (like the 95%) is fairly low in sugar and you can have a square of it once in a while...supposedly. I never actually tested this on myself to see if my body could "do" dark chocolate because I took a bite and...GASP...I don't like dark chocolate. It was too bitter. Am I crazy?! I love milk chocolate, and the sorta dark chocolate like the special dark. But that isn't truly dark chocolate, so it doesn't count for our needs. So BOOOO. And the sugar alcohols in the "sugar free" kind spike my blood sugar so those don't work either.

I did enjoy the peanut m&m's very much. My doggie sat there mooching the peanut middles from a few of them, haha. She begged and quivered and whimpered really good, I just had to let her have a few peanuts. {#emotions_dlg.wub} I wouldn't have even craved them if I was doing the right thing...

I love soups and make my own all the time, and make broths and stocks save bones for that stuff. Big believer in gelatin, too. Maybe tomorrow I'll make some sugar free cinnamon or lemon gummies to get started. Smiley Happy

Hate to call out the pit bull...I know a lot of people have pits that never do anything and they can be lovable, etc. But just because a dog is lovable to family and people they know, that doesn't mean they will be lovable to strangers. My last dog was part chow, and though she was loyal to us, I wouldn't have trusted her to run free with strangers nearby! Better safe than sorry with certain temperaments. She was lovable as can be, but also protective.

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Oh, I see, those noodles! I make chicken soup with barley, and that seems to be ok for me. I do test. It's the only way to know what works and what doesn't.

I was thinking about whether I could go back to eating the way I used to, and I don't think I could. I miss a couple things which I know I can eat in limited quantities, but it's easier to just skip those things.

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Registered: ‎06-22-2010
On 2/22/2014 iam4truth said:

That's funny about the dark chocolate. I tried to like dark chocolate since I know that for some people, the very dark chocolate (like the 95%) is fairly low in sugar and you can have a square of it once in a while...supposedly. I never actually tested this on myself to see if my body could "do" dark chocolate because I took a bite and...GASP...I don't like dark chocolate. It was too bitter. Am I crazy?! I love milk chocolate, and the sorta dark chocolate like the special dark. But that isn't truly dark chocolate, so it doesn't count for our needs. So BOOOO. And the sugar alcohols in the "sugar free" kind spike my blood sugar so those don't work either.

I did enjoy the peanut m&m's very much. My doggie sat there mooching the peanut middles from a few of them, haha. She begged and quivered and whimpered really good, I just had to let her have a few peanuts. {#emotions_dlg.wub} I wouldn't have even craved them if I was doing the right thing...

I love soups and make my own all the time, and make broths and stocks save bones for that stuff. Big believer in gelatin, too. Maybe tomorrow I'll make some sugar free cinnamon or lemon gummies to get started. Smiley Happy

Hate to call out the pit bull...I know a lot of people have pits that never do anything and they can be lovable, etc. But just because a dog is lovable to family and people they know, that doesn't mean they will be lovable to strangers. My last dog was part chow, and though she was loyal to us, I wouldn't have trusted her to run free with strangers nearby! Better safe than sorry with certain temperaments. She was lovable as can be, but also protective.

I am so glad you and your baby enjoyed your snack, you both deserved it! My ex had a pit bull mix and he was sweet. He knocked me over when I was expecting twins, he didn't mean too, but I stayed away from him after that. I still sometimes get fearful of big dogs, but I dearly love dogs, cats too! Please give your dog a pat from Emmy and I! We hope both your wounds are healed and you feel better.

I LOVE milk chocolate and I had to get a taste for dark chocolate. It didn't spike my sugar, BUT I couldn't stop with just one square, lol!

Don't cry for a man who's left you--the next one may fall for your smile.
-- Mae West