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Re: I've had a kidney stone for 3 weeks.

try a heat pad on the area, that helped me! You're doing the right thing - drinking a ton of water Smiley Happy the pain means it's moving so bottoms up!!

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Re: I've had a kidney stone for 3 weeks.

What Doctor would let their patient suffer with a kidney stone for three weeks.

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Re: I've had a kidney stone for 3 weeks.

So sorry.  My brother was always plagued by kidney stones as is my son-in-law.


My daughter had some while pregnant.  She was eventually put into the hospital (spent 1 month there) until she was ready to deliver the baby.  


The minute the baby was induced, they could get rid of the stones.  She even had tubes put in her to relieve the fluid and pain while in the hospital.


I asked her, "So you've had 3 babies and numerous kidney stones.  What do you think was worse?"  She said, "The kidney stones". 


She also has Crohn's Disease.  So she's had a time of it.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I've had a kidney stone for 3 weeks.

I avoid all supplements with routine calcium and products like Tums.   The only calcium supplement that doesn't cause stones is Calcium Hydroxyapatite caps..   

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Re: I've had a kidney stone for 3 weeks.

I'm really sorry you're dealing with this.  I can't believe they've let you go on so long without it passing.


I've passed two kidney stones and had lithotripsy done on my left side to break up some that were still in that kidney.  Passing them was agony.  I still have some in my right kidney so have an ultrasound every 6 months at my urologist to monitor them and make sure there are no new ones or any of the existing haven't grown.


While I have mostly given up some of my favorite things like spinach and black tea (I was eating/drinking both daily) as they are high oxalate foods, my dr. told me the most important thing is drinking lots of water and making sure most of the water I drink has lemon in it.


I squeeze one lemon each morning and add it to all my glasses of water until it's gone. Since I've been doing that and avoiding spinach and black tea, the stones I still have have stayed in place and haven't grown.


Good luck (and happy birthday!), I hope your stone is gone soon. 



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Posts: 564
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: I've had a kidney stone for 3 weeks.

Look up Stone Free by Planetary Herbals on amazon or health sites.  Read the reviews.  It really helped my husband, and pretty quickly too.

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Re: I've had a kidney stone for 3 weeks.

[ Edited ]

@Carol Diane wrote:

Yes, I've had a kidney stone which was considered on the larger size and my urologist knew it wasn't going to pass due to how low it was in the kidney.  Funny thing was, I had no idea I had one...I felt great.  I had lithotripsy done to break up the stone and pass the fragments.  It was no big deal at all.  That was about 10 years ago.  I now have a tiny one in the same spot.  It hasn't grown in years.  My sister and daughter also have a stone and they're both symptom free and do nothing about them.  I take supplements to try to keep them at bay. So far so good.  The urologist said the one I have now could be a fragment left behind from the lithotripsy.

If you didn't have any pain then how did you know to go see a urologist to get a ultrasound to see for kidney stones?  Is that something we can request getting done even if we have no symptoms?  I have always wondered if I have any!  and I do take calicum for my bone health.





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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: I've had a kidney stone for 3 weeks.

[ Edited ]

@pegomyheart wrote:

Had a Ct-can so I know it's there. I have taken all the meds they've prescribed. Trying to drink lots of water like they advise. ( this is difficult as I do not like to drink copious amounts of anything). I will be seeing a urologist tomorrow to see if they will go up and get it out. The pain seems to be worse when I am trying g to sleep.

 Boy, what a wonderful 70th  birthday gift.!

Anybody have some kidney stone stories?







No kidney stone story from me! 😉 Every job I had over my working years involved working in very high heat. Throw in being an athlete in an endurance sport, and without large amounts of water, and other fluids, a person would be in big trouble. I firmly believe drinking lots of fluids have maintained my healthy kidneys and thus kidney stone free.


I personally have never understood why so many do not drink adequate amounts of fluid to help maintain all the organs of their bodies, that a large percentage of is fluid. Sure baffles me. I worked with many men in 100°+ heat, on a cool day, that drank little water. Many were on blood pressure meds that raised their Uric Acid levels, which I think made them more conducive to kidney stones.


They drank pop and other sugary drinks, but water? Not much. Not sure if today is #70, but Happy Birthday to you.






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Registered: ‎04-27-2015

Re: I've had a kidney stone for 3 weeks.

@tsavorite , I've been going to a urologist for years because I had problems with UTI's.  It turned out there was some microscopic blood in my urine so he did an ultrasound and found the kidney stone.  Otherwise I never would have known.


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Registered: ‎10-25-2016

Re: I've had a kidney stone for 3 weeks.

@tsavorite wrote:

@Carol Diane wrote:

Yes, I've had a kidney stone which was considered on the larger size and my urologist knew it wasn't going to pass due to how low it was in the kidney.  Funny thing was, I had no idea I had one...I felt great.  I had lithotripsy done to break up the stone and pass the fragments.  It was no big deal at all.  That was about 10 years ago.  I now have a tiny one in the same spot.  It hasn't grown in years.  My sister and daughter also have a stone and they're both symptom free and do nothing about them.  I take supplements to try to keep them at bay. So far so good.  The urologist said the one I have now could be a fragment left behind from the lithotripsy.

If you didn't have any pain then how did you know to go see a urologist to get a ultrasound to see for kidney stones?  Is that something we can request getting done even if we have no symptoms?  I have always wondered if I have any!  and I do take calicum for my bone health.





@tsavorite wrote:

@Carol Diane wrote:

Yes, I've had a kidney stone which was considered on the larger size and my urologist knew it wasn't going to pass due to how low it was in the kidney.  Funny thing was, I had no idea I had one...I felt great.  I had lithotripsy done to break up the stone and pass the fragments.  It was no big deal at all.  That was about 10 years ago.  I now have a tiny one in the same spot.  It hasn't grown in years.  My sister and daughter also have a stone and they're both symptom free and do nothing about them.  I take supplements to try to keep them at bay. So far so good.  The urologist said the one I have now could be a fragment left behind from the lithotripsy.

If you didn't have any pain then how did you know to go see a urologist to get a ultrasound to see for kidney stones?  Is that something we can request getting done even if we have no symptoms?  I have always wondered if I have any!  and I do take calicum for my bone health.





@tsavorite wrote:

@Carol Diane wrote:

Yes, I've had a kidney stone which was considered on the larger size and my urologist knew it wasn't going to pass due to how low it was in the kidney.  Funny thing was, I had no idea I had one...I felt great.  I had lithotripsy done to break up the stone and pass the fragments.  It was no big deal at all.  That was about 10 years ago.  I now have a tiny one in the same spot.  It hasn't grown in years.  My sister and daughter also have a stone and they're both symptom free and do nothing about them.  I take supplements to try to keep them at bay. So far so good.  The urologist said the one I have now could be a fragment left behind from the lithotripsy.

If you didn't have any pain then how did you know to go see a urologist to get a ultrasound to see for kidney stones?  Is that something we can request getting done even if we have no symptoms?  I have always wondered if I have any!  and I do take calicum for my bone health.





Hi @tsavorite ,


I'll share my own personal experiences with you as a stone patient, as everyone's experiences tend to be different.


For me, I tend to know when I have them, as they tend to want to move and pass out of my left kidney when I have them.


For whatever reason, it is only my left kidney that has a history of producing stones.


I first found out that I had them a few years ago, when I developed really severe pain in my left hip area/lower intestinal area. It also presented as referred pain, as really severe gas pains.


At first, that is what I thought that they were, as I also have a history of GI problems, so I was thinking that maybe I was just dealing with some GI issues.


I tried to relieve the pain at home, but nothing  that I did worked, and I felt that something must be seriously wrong in the middle of the night due to the kind of pain that I was having.


To me, kidney stone pain is on the same level as gall stone pain, if anyone is also familiar with passing gall stones. I also had gall stones too until I had my gall blader removed, so I was thinking that if the pain was as bad like gall stone pain, something must be going on.


So, I had my husband take me to the E.R. where the doctor ran some tests and it was determined that my body was trying to pass a kidney stone.


I followed up with our primary care doctor afterwards who referred me to a Urologist. 


If I remember correctly, that kidney stone passed on its own at that particular time, but after that, I had experience with a few others over the years that didn't, where they had to be removed by what is called a Ureteroscopy with a stent placed in afterwards. 


Depending on the size of the stone/s, sometimes the doctor will see if the stone/s will pass on their own if they're small enough and if they're not causing any kind of serious issues to the body--stress to the urinary tract, sickness, fever, inflammation, and so on.


The doctor can check for stones in various ways, depending on the type of stones that the body is producing. They may show up on an x-ray if they're large enough to be seen that way. He can also send you for a CT Scan, and he can also do a urine test which can also show if you're producing stones.